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Press releases/news articles

Underwater noise indicator

Impulsive underwater noise events are high volume, short duration sounds bursts produced by human licensed activities like pile driving for offshore construction, seismic surveys for oil and gas exploration and underwater explosions. The map shows the number of calendar days during which impulsive noise was registered in an area defined by a common grid, known as Pulse Block Day units.


Seven years in the making, the Baltic Pipe came to life in November 2022. This 900km-long key route carries gas from Norway to Poland, Denmark & neighbouring countries via the #NorthSea.


We talked to @caleixmu , COO & Co-founder of @bound4blue about their incredible innovative project to #decarbonise #shipping.


We met with Jean-François Filipot, Research Director at @FrceEnergiesMar to talk about the Arcwind project, working to harness the offshore wind #energy potential in the #Atlantic.

Ferry routes

Critical infrastructures include power grids, the transport network and information and communication systems. The map of the month shows all important regular international ferry routes and all national ferry routes having major importance in connecting the national road or railway network.

Employment in the established blue economy

The map of the month provides information on employment in the established blue economy which includes the following main sectors: marine living and non-living resources, marine renewable energy, port activities, shipbuilding and repair, marine transport and coastal tourism. Explore the map and click on the countries to open windows with additional information on employment by sector and the evolution of employment over the past years.


The improper disposal of our medicines 💊 at home can cause the release of active pharmaceutical ingredients in the aquatic environment. #EU-funded #Pharmasea 🇮🇹🇩🇪🇳🇴🇪🇸 researches the impact of pharmaceuticals on marine ecosystems.


A gelatinous solution to microplastic pollution! #EU-funded @GoJellyEU developed biofilters from jellyfish mucus, to prevent microplastic pollution. The project looked also into alternative use for jellyfish: bio-based fertilizers for agriculture or aquaculture feed. #HorizionEU


Medicine from the sea! The marine environment is rich in natural products that could be used in the pharmaceutical & food industries. EU-funded @MARBLES_EU is developing ways to sustainably extract marine bioactive compounds for drug discovery and more!

Seabed Litter – Material categories percentage per year

Every year, millions of tonnes of litter are generated through a variety of human activities and much of it ends up in our ocean, posing environmental, economic and public health problems. Marine litter is identified as one of the fastest growing threats to the health of the ocean, the diverse marine life it supports and, ultimately, humans consuming food from the ocean. This map identifies the percentage of litter divided into several categories (glass, textile, metal, polymer, etc.).


Greening #transport is one of the critical objectives of the #EUGreenDeal. #EU- funded project @MagpiePorts is developing solutions to make the European #ports low-carbon, introducing green energy carriers 🔋 in transport to, from & within ports.


What do the ports of Barcelona 🇪🇸, Constanta 🇷🇴, Venlo 🇳🇱, Antwerp-Bruges 🇧🇪 have in common? They are all part of @PIONEERS_EU, the #Horizon-funded project developing solutions to reduce the environmental impact of #ports while preserving their competitiveness.

European ports

Europe's ports are vital gateways, linking its transport corridors to the rest of the world. Many blue economy sectors rely on them for fundamental infrastructure and services. With 75% of imported and exported goods and 31% of intra-EU transactions passing through them, seaports are critical to the EU's international and internal trade. They also pose challenges (e.g. air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, waste, noise pollution). Many ports across the EU are reducing their environmental impact while also enabling green shipping fleets (EU blue economy report 2022). Explore the map to learn more about ports across Europe.


Have you heard of @Algaenauts? This #EMFF-funded project preserves the health of our 🌎 thanks to its ecofriendly..


AlgaeService for @LIFEprogramme developed solutions to sustainably use the #algae biomass from eutrophication & algal blooming!


Nobody wants to eat a fish gone bad: quality control is key to ensure freshness! The #EMFAF-funded #FRESQO project 🇬🇷..