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Press releases/news articles

Is it too late to save the ocean?

In this episode, we ask Swedish climate scientist Prof. Johan Rockström and British environmental activist George Monbiot if it's too late to save the ocean. And Dr. Jane Goodall DBE tells us about her favourite marine species.

EU helps the Sámi getting their voice heard

The Saami Council, a voluntary Sámi organisation that promotes Sámi rights and interests in the four countries where the Sámi are living, has thus established the Sapmi project with the help of EU funding.

Euronews OCEAN Season 4, Episode 7 - The Arctic

In this episode of Ocean, we go to Longyearbyen and Ny-Ålesund, the world’s northernmost settlements in Svalbard, where climate change is happening 3 times as fast as the global average, while toxic pollution originating in industrial countries increasingly undermines the health of the local fauna.

Oceanographic instruments

Data is key to understanding how we influence the ocean and how the ocean influences us. Did you know that the European Atlas of the Seas includes map layers showing the position of oceanographic instruments worldwide that automatically collect ocean data and monitor the seas? The Map of the month combines three map layers showing respectively underwater gliders, ferrybox systems and Argo floats. Click on the instruments on the map to learn more!

STECF: New committee appointed

On 4 July, the newly reconstituted Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) began its work at its plenary session. The names of the 35 members are published in the Register of Commission expert groups.

Torre Guaceto: protecting the marine environment with the help of the local fishers

The commitment to halt and reverse the loss of marine biodiversity is a key EU priority, as underlined by the recent international ocean governance communication. One of the main EU tools to achieve that, is the creation and management of marine protected areas (MPAs), in line with its position to reach, in the context of the ongoing global negotiations, an ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework with 30% of the ocean being covered by MPAs by 2030.

SEASTAR brings digitisation underwater for sustainable aquaculture

The recently published communication on international ocean governance sets the path of EU ocean policies for years to come. Among the key policies, there’s a set of EU commitments to support the innovation, sustainability and competitiveness of the aquaculture sector.

Climate change and coastal erosion

This map focuses on the coastline and shows areas of landward migration (erosion or submergence), stability, and seaward migration (accretion or emergence) at different spatial scales. The shoreline is continuously shaped by wind, waves, tides, and human influence. Shoreline change is strongly influenced by climate change. Coastal erosion in particular is exacerbated by global sea-level rise. Knowing how, and at what rate, our coasts are changing is crucial to their sustainable management, supporting knowledge-based decision-making and thus underpinning the EU strategy on adaptation to climate change.