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Outcome of the referendum in the United Kingdom

The Statement of 29 June of the Heads of State or Government of 27 Member States, as well as the Presidents of the European Council and the European Commission, confirms that until the UK leaves the EU, EU law continues to apply to and within the UK, both when it comes to rights and obligations. This includes the eligibility of UK legal entities to participate and receive funding in Horizon 2020 actions.

FET Newsletter edition June 2016

This edition of the FET Newsletter brings the latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies research, projects, funding opportunities in 2016 and it reports on workshops, conferences and future events.

EIT Digital Launches International Open Testbed Community

EIT Digital, the leading European digital innovation and entrepreneurial education organisation driving Europe’s digital transformation, has launched with partners an international Open Testbed Community (OTC) aimed at stimulating 5G innovation internationally.

ERA-Can+ Information Session

The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) together with all Universities in Graz and supported by the Canadian Embassy to Austria, are delighted to present an ERA-Can+ Information Session in Graz, Austria.

The information session features presentations of Canadian STI funding programmes open to Europeans, collaboration opportunities for companies (e.g.: under EUREKA), and specific possibilities for Austrian researchers and innovators to cooperate with Canadian counterparts.

The MUSES software: greater engagement of the user in the security of corporate information systems

The user is perceived as the weakest link in IT security. More often than not risky user behaviour finds its roots in simple ignorance. The necessity to proactively engage the user on IT security has become acute with recent developments in the corporate world, such as the introduction of mobile technologies or the Bring Your Own Device trend. Project MUSES has developed the prototype of a software that provides security guidance to the user by offering real-time, context-based recommendations.

European Union joins Mission Innovation, a global initiative on clean energy

The European Union has joined Mission Innovation, a global initiative on clean energy, at its inaugural ministerial meeting in San Francisco on 1-2 June. This initiative was launched at the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2015 (COP21) in Paris with the aim of reinvigorating and accelerating public and private global clean energy innovation.

FET Newsletter edition May 2016

This edition of the FET Newsletter brings the latest news on Future and Emerging Technologies research, projects, funding opportunities in 2016 and it reports on workshops & conferences and future events.

Identifying research priorities in bee health and sustainable pollination

Following EFSA's bee task force work to identify cross-cutting issues, gaps in knowledge, research needs, and provide recommendations for the environmental risk assessment of multiple stressors on bees; an EU Scientific workshop on bee health and pollination was organised on 10/03/2016 to support the identification of areas for possible research under Horizon 2020.

Mobile Age project: making senior citizens benefit from open government data

On 1 February 2016, ten European partners launched the Mobile Age project. Aiming to develop inclusive mobile access to public services using open government data, Mobile Age targets a group of citizens that are usually marginalised when it comes to technical innovations but which is rapidly growing in number and expectations: European senior citizens.