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Science with and for Society

Science with and for Society

Publication of ESOF2016 calls for Careers and Science to Business Programmes

Over the six days of 22-27 July 2016, Manchester will host the Euroscience Open Forum 2016 " Science as Revolution". ESOF is the biggest pan-European science platform where researchers, journalists, policy makers, students and organisations can meet and debate European research and global challenges.

The ESOF2016 calls for Careers and Science to Business are now open. The deadline for session proposals is 31st July 2015 at 23:00 pm CET.

Horizon 2020 - Science with and for Society 2015 - Brokerage Event 22 May 2015

The networking event will be of particular interest and relevance to members of the Science with and for Society research community who are looking for networking and funding opportunities within Horizon 2020. It will be mainly targeted at the researchers and other stakeholders preparing for the first and second calls of Horizon 2020 relevant to the Science with and for Society

Horizon Magazine - EU Research Framework Programmes, 1984 - 2014

For three decades, the EU Framework Programmes have been funding breakthroughs across Europe. RTD’s Horizon Magazine looks at the people and events that have helped shape European research policy, taking you behind the scenes during the pivotal moments from the last 30 years of research funding. These articles have been brought together into a special Horizon supplement to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Framework Programmes.

The future for Open Access and the move towards Open Data

This conference is timed to follow the publication of RCUK's review of the impact of Open Access so far - expected early 2015 - and will focus on key remaining implementation issues as well as looking forward to next steps for policy in light of the UK government's stated aim of adopting an Open Data culture for publicly funded research.

European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing

The Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing aims to engage Europe's policy, services and market leaders to co-create a shared vision on how Europe can address the challenges and seize the opportunities arising from demographic change through ICT and innovation and in that way contribute to economic recovery.

Responsible Research and Innovation video

Responsible Research and Innovation is the European Union's inclusive approach to ensure that societal actors work together during the whole research and innovation process. Its aim is to help align Research & Innovation with the values, needs and expectations of European society.

Social protection in an unpredictable economy

How can societies provide some level of security for their workforce while adapting to economic change? Faced with new realities, the support mechanisms on which we have come to rely will have to adjust, say EU-funded researchers. They have identified approaches that can help policymakers to maintain an effective safety net in uncertain times.

Growing up in the shadow of intolerance

Despite the recent rise of radical, extreme or populist movements in Europe, young Europeans still accept democracy and reject violence, an EU-backed project has found. However, many feel that the political establishment does not represent them, leading them to consider alternative politics. Politicians must start listening more to young people to engage them fully in the democratic process, the researchers advise.

A closer look at corruption, and how to fight it

The battle against corruption has been a challenge ever since the first bribe was exchanged for private gain. There have been some successes and many failures. In response, EU-funded researchers are taking a fresh look at one of the murkiest sides of human behaviour. Their studies have already yielded results – steps towards practical solutions to an age-old problem.

Science, Innovation and Society

The international conference on “Science, Innovation and Society”, organised by the Italian National Research Council (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, CNR) is held from 19 to 21 November at the Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome.

The event gathers the stakeholders in the scientific sector, who will share views on different subjects, such as gender equality, ethics and the concept of “open science” in order to promote responsible research and innovation

Sanitation gets social

Teams of social scientists and engineers are studying different areas of Latin America in an EU-funded project to discover how political processes, community engagement and appropriate technologies combine to deliver clean water and sanitation. The aim is to use the research to help deliver clean water and sanitation to local communities currently without adequate access.

Innovative research to assist start-ups with their growing pains

Most start-up enterprises face growing pains in their early years as scarce resources limit their ability to scale up fast enough, forcing them to operate at the periphery of the market. The European Union (EU)-funded project OrgGrowth is currently addressing this issue by finding ways for new ventures to better manage their scarce resources in the current economy, thus helping improve their chances of success.

New research to help manage migration locally

In most European countries migration is particularly managed at the national level. The European Union (EU)-funded project, MIGRATION POLICY, has challenged the way in which research on migration studies is almost exclusively focused on national models and perspectives. The Marie Curie research fellow has shown that regional and city authorities are taking more responsibility in managing migration, thus helping change the way Europeans relate to their governments.

Towards a Cloud of Public Services

The European Commission is piloting the potential of a Cloud of public services for the development and the delivery of more flexible public services by combining building blocks and allowing service sharing between public and private providers. Discover in this brochure which projects have been and are funded in this domain.