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Science with and for Society

Science with and for Society

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2014

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The first Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2014

Science: How Close to Open?

This event will look into the present and future of intellectual property boundaries in chemistry research and will debate questions such as: Which model for peer-review publishing? Who owns research data and how to share it? Which approach is better for creating innovative products and services?

Together with researchers, publishers, EU and government officials EuCheMS intends to build bridges between all concerned and to provide answers to questions.

Results of ongoing EU funded pre-commercial procurements (PCPs)

Interesting data is available about the results of ongoing PCPs funded by FP7. Data shows first impacts on opening the market for new players, creating cross-border growth opportunities for companies, bringing research results to the market and contribution to growth and job creation in Europe.

Launch of the READ project for the automated recognition and enrichment of documents

The overall objective of the EU-funded READ project is to implement a Virtual Research Environment where archivists, humanities scholars, computer scientists and volunteers are collaborating with the ultimate goal of boosting research, innovation, development and usage of cutting edge technology for the automated recognition, transcription, indexing and enrichment of handwritten archival documents.

Are EU policies on innovation working?

Five years after Europe launched a plan to foster innovation, EU-funded researchers are taking stock of its impact on growth and jobs. Their analysis aims to help policy-makers calibrate on-going policy actions and plan future ones.

Re-boot for Central and Eastern European economies

Growth in Central and Eastern European economies has slowed in recent years – and its rewards are spread unevenly. An EU-funded project studied how economic, social and environmental policies could work together to make these economies fairer and more sustainable.

Together for the next generation - Research and Innovation for Maternal & Newborn Health

This event will feature high-level speakers and expert panels discussing the successful actions already taken under the Millennium Development Goals and analyse those which proved to be inefficient.

It will also address what research and innovation can do to make the difference in the field of Maternal and Newborn Health under the Sustainable Development Goals.

The conference will take place in Square Meeting Centre, Brussels

Policy Seminar - New Horizons for Cultural Heritage

Recalibrating relationships: bringing cultural heritage and people together in a changing Europe. The scope of the seminar is to discuss how the RICHES project (Renewal, Innovation and Change: Heritage and European Society) can provide insights to support evidence-based policymaking in Europe.

Participation in the event is by invitation only. All those with an interest in the Seminar may follow the preparatory work and access the results through the RICHES project website.

Horizon 2020 work programme for 2016-2017 published

The European Commission will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding scheme, following a new work programme for 2016-17 adopted on 13 October. The work programme is now available on the participant portal.

European Commission invests €16 billion in funding for research and innovation over next two years

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation said: "Research and innovation are the engines of Europe's progress and vital to addressing today's new pressing challenges like immigration, climate change, clean energy and healthy societies. Over the next two years, €16 billion from Horizon 2020 will support Europe's top scientific efforts, making the difference to citizens' lives."