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Switzerland steps up research and innovation cooperation with the EU

Swiss researchers and organisations will now be able to fully participate in Horizon 2020, the European Union's research and innovation funding programme, on equal terms with entities from EU Member States and other associated countries. This is because on 1 January 2017, Switzerland will become fully associated to Horizon 2020. Until now, Switzerland has only been associated to parts of the programme.

Latest SME Instrument results: European Commission to invest €8.8 million in 184 innovative businesses

184 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 28 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of the Horizon2020 SME Instrument. The funding is provided under Phase 1 of the instrument, which means that each project will receive €50,000 to finance feasibility studies for new products that can disrupt the market. They can also ask for up to three days of free business coaching

Latest results: Commission to invest €80 million in 58 innovative companies under the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument

58 small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from 16 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of the Horizon2020 SME Instrument Phase 2. In this phase of the instrument, each project will receive up to €2.5 million (€5 million for health projects) to finance innovation activities. The total amount to be distributed between the SMEs working on 51 projects is €80 million.

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2015

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The second Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2015.

PRACE Call 14 now open – More Systems, More Power, More Hours

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) Research Infrastructure provides world-class high performance computing service for scientists and researchers from academia and industry in Europe. PRACE welcomes CSCS (CH) as the 5th PRACE hosting partner making available their system Piz Daint, and the new MareNostrum4 system provided by BSC (ES). In total PRACE can offer more than 2000 million compute core hours which is 3 times more than in previous calls.

25 new FET Open ideas for breakthrough technologies

The first cut-off for the 2016-17 FET Open call resulted in the submission and evaluation of 554 proposals. Twenty-two proposals for Research and Innovation Actions and three proposals for Coordination and Support Actions have been selected and Grant Agreements have been signed. Projects started in January 2017.

ICT Proposers' Day 2016 - Registration open

ICT Proposers' day 2106 is a networking event promoting European ICT Research & Innovation and focusing on the Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2016-17. Registration is now open for this event.

Transition to Green Economy - an event under the Slovak Presidency

This high-level international conference will be an event of major strategic nature, with the participation of a broad spectrum of stakeholders and expected 500+ participants.

It aims at improving visibility and support transition towards green economy, identifying policy options and priorities including future actions.

Internationalisation of innovation in SMEs: Case Studies, Exemplary Support Practices and Policy Implications

The publication features twelve case studies of innovative SMEs with insightful international activity and a comprehensive analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of European policy measures and infrastructure seeking to enhance such internationalisation. It is the first EU official study exploring explicitly and exclusively international cooperation in the field of innovation from a European SME perspective.