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Commission to invest €8.5 billion in research and innovation in 2017

Today, the European Commission announced an investment of €8.5 billion to be released during 2017 into research and innovation, following an update to the Work Programme of Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation funding programme.

date:  25/07/2016

The updated Work Programme builds on the success of Horizon 2020 to date, but introduces important novelties. A particularly important change is the introduction of open research data  PDF icon206 KB in all new Horizon 2020 calls and the strong commitment to research integrity and simplification as a driver for research quality. For projects funded under the programme, free online access to scientific data will become the norm. This move will boost competitiveness through open science by accelerating innovation and collaboration, improving transparency, and avoiding duplication of efforts.

The programme also reacts to topical developments by reinforcing research into migration  PDF icon127 KB . In response to the refugee crisis, €11 million will be dedicated to new research to understand migration but also to develop effective policies for managing the influx and integrating migrants in the society and economy.

Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said: "The response to the Horizon 2020 calls has been immense, with around 90,000 eligible proposals submitted in two and a half years. The EU investment in the 50 calls announced today has the potential to change the nature of EU-funded research with open research data as the norm from now on. It will stimulate innovation by making access to research information easy and affordable for the scientific community, for innovative business and for the general public. With the package of migration actions we demonstrate again that Horizon 2020 can adapt quickly to new and emerging challenges."

Read the News Alert here.