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Cutting waste and maximising output in the mussel industry

The European Union (EU)-funded research project MusselsAlive has created better methods for handling, transporting, storing and reducing waste in the mussel industry. In particular, the team has developed new holding systems that can help keep the mussels fresher for longer on their journey to the consumer.

Improving safety of concrete buildings in earthquake zones

Many large, multi-storey buildings, particularly residential and office spaces, are built using precast concrete components and then assembled on-site. While generally rapid and economic to build, the performance and stability of such buildings in earthquake zones is poorly understood. The European Union (EU)-funded project SAFECAST has investigated how to make them safer and developed new construction guidelines which are expected to be implemented in the regions at risk in Europe.

Innovative research to assist start-ups with their growing pains

Most start-up enterprises face growing pains in their early years as scarce resources limit their ability to scale up fast enough, forcing them to operate at the periphery of the market. The European Union (EU)-funded project OrgGrowth is currently addressing this issue by finding ways for new ventures to better manage their scarce resources in the current economy, thus helping improve their chances of success.

Encouraging small business innovation in aeronautics

While the aeronautics industry tends to be dominated by major corporations, hundreds of specialised small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from across Europe provide the sector with essential applications and bespoke technologies.

Energy-efficient factories with 'water-powered' machines

Today’s factories and processing plants can be miracles of engineering, with whirling machines, moving modules and flowing liquids. Many factories rely on actuators, motors controlling mechanisms that help lift, press or open different technological components and machine parts. These can be fuel intensive and expensive to run, however a European Union (EU)-funded demonstration project has found a way to make both energy and cost savings by developing revolutionary hydraulic actuators.

Growing the Silver Economy in Europe

Demographic ageing in Europe and beyond creates challenges for our health and care systems and our national budgets. But it also creates enormous opportunities. The Silver Economy is the new gold, Silicon Valley gurus tell us. Large new public and consumer markets of ICT products and services for ageing well are developing. Our ageing populations are drivers of economic growth. In this light, the European Commission is organising the event 'Growing the Silver Economy in Europe' to discuss how to best grow a large scale Silver Economy in Europe.

Enhancing HIV treatment with more precise patient modelling

HIV is not curable but it is treatable, states Dr Francesca Incardona, CEO of EuResist Network GEIE and research area manager at Informa s.r.l, the SME responsible for coordinating the EuResist project. The thirty-month initiative was devoted to providing better treatment by implementing an intelligent system that uses patients’ clinical information together with viral genetic data.

EU Marketplace for eHealth & EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing

The objective is to provide a platform for all stakeholders in connected health and EIP AHA actors to meet, share best practices and develop effective collaborations leading to new projects and business opportunities. The event will provide a platform for the exchange of information between procurers and potential suppliers, and will support the internationalisation of SMEs and the identification of market opportunities.

Down on the farm, cows graze while robots milk

Dairy farmers are always looking for ways to cut costs and boost production. An EU-funded project aims to help. Its new technology lets farmers combine pasture feeding with automated milking systems – for more efficient production and happier cows.

A low-fat cheese that tastes good, thanks to EU research

Food processers have struggled to produce low-fat versions of cheese and cheese-based products without much success. Taste, texture and other properties tend to suffer once natural fats are reduced in many foods. Thanks to the three-year EU-funded project CHEESECOAT, processors can now meet the demand from health- conscious consumers for a low-fat cheese with the flavour, texture and melting properties of traditional mozzarella.

New high-tech solution to clean fish hatcheries

Due to increased market pressure to produce high quality and low cost fish, the aquaculture industry has been forced to develop technologies that reduce the level of risk to investors yet maintain reliable production output.

Safer cruise ships thanks to EU-funded research

The Costa Concordia and South Korean Sewol ferry tragedies have highlighted the importance of safety in passenger shipping. Thanks to EU-funded research, evacuating large passenger ships should be smoother and safer in future. EU-funded researchers are also helping to design more stable cruise ships and ferries.

Car collision avoidance sensors inspired by locusts

Efficiently detecting possible collisions is vital for the locust - an insect that often needs to quickly overcome big obstacles and avoid what might be, otherwise, a 'fatal crash'. The research team involved in the European Union (EU)-funded project NEURAL DEVELOPMENT has studied the insect's nerve circuits. The project results are expected to help develop highly accurate collision sensors in cars, surveillance technology and video games.

Video Games Inspire Real-Life Firefighting Robot

Reckless of the raging heat and the billowing fireballs, the firefighter advances undaunted towards the blazing car. Getting within range to start dousing the flames, the firefighter spots a person slumped unconscious over the steering wheel and messages back to colleagues to summon help.

EU-industry partnerships take off

Research partnerships between the EU, the private sector and Member States presented their first calls for projects and partners under Horizon 2020, the EU's €80 billion research and innovation programme, at an event in Brussels on 9 July 2014.

Farmers 1 – fruit flies 0

Farmers around the world are united in their loathing of fruit flies. A new warning system developed by an EU-funded project to alert them of imminent infestation could save struggling farmers both time and money – and cut down on pesticide use. Two companies are preparing to commercialise the results.