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Industrial Technologies

Kick-starting R&D careers with CATHI

ISOLDE, CERN's transformer of elements, is about to be itself transformed: a major upgrade is under way. A large share of the R&D underpinning this overhaul was conducted by young researchers who contributed as part of the EU-funded CATHI project. This training network enabled 21 applicants to gain hands-on experience in their chosen field.

Commission moves to strengthen research integrity

The EU's Horizon 2020 research funding programme has now a more specific set of rules on research integrity to be followed by beneficiaries. This is thanks to the new provisions in the Horizon 2020 Model Grant Agreement.

Standards for Digital Transformation

Digital transformation presents a new set of challenges that require novel approaches to integrate new technologies including internet of things, cloud computing, cybersecurity and big data.

Engage and learn how senior level executives are making the digital shift in the energy, manufacturing and transport sectors.

Marine Microbiome – Discovery & Innovation

The ‘Marine Microbiome – Discovery & Innovation’ is a unique event which brings the worlds of industry and science in the field of marine biotechnology face-to-face in a format designed to facilitate the sharing of experiences.

The latest discoveries and innovations from the academic world will be shared with industry with the aim of generating new commercial opportunities.

Industrial Technologies Conference

With more than 1.250 high level participants, Industrial Technologies 2016 will be Europe's largest networking event in the field of new production technologies, materials, nanotechnology, biotechnology and digitalisation. Join Industrial Technologies and experience three days of plenary and interactive sessions, inspiring keynote speakers, case studies, eye-opening site visits and numerous opportunities to get in contact with new business partners.

A smoother road for tyre development

A more advanced computer model and measurement approach enable manufacturers to more accurately predict tyre performance on the road. Developed by an EU-funded project, the model and approach could aid in the design of higher-performing, safer and quieter tyres and boost the industry's competitiveness.

EMiT 2016: EMerging Technology Conference

The event is hosted by Mont-Blanc project, which explores energy efficiency in High Performance Computing. It brings together experts from all areas of computing to examine how to best take advantage of the changing landscape of computer hardware and overcome research barriers for fields such as computational fluid dynamics, computational mechanics, life sciences, energy efficiency and financial modelling.

Quantum Europe 2016 Conference

A combination of science, engineering and entrepreneurship is needed to unlock the full potential of quantum technologies. In this context, the Netherlands is holding the conference ‘Quantum Europe 2016’ in cooperation with the European Commission and QuTech, the quantum technology institute of TU Delft and TNO.

European High Performance Computing Summit week

The coordination action EXDCI - European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative - will host the first edition of European HPC Summit. The event's programme includes a number of HPC workshops, such as EXDCI workshop, PRACEdays16, and the ETP4HPC Workshop, and several other private meetings and events. Register before 29 April 2016.

Simple apps transform advanced manufacturing

EU researchers have developed a new model for collecting data across the manufacturing life cycle and storing it all in one place. Accessing this data, prototype apps have helped to improve metrics by nearly 90 % in SME advanced manufacturing trials, hinting at how apps could transform this sector in Europe.

Supercomputing: a key cornerstone of the data-driven European economy

Computing is changing with an increasing number of data-intensive critical applications. By 2020, 25 billion devices will be connected, generating over 2 zettabytes of traffic yearly. To face these growing needs, the EU aims to see a supercomputer based on homegrown technology among the world top three by 2022.

RoboSoft Grand Challenge

Participate in the first outdoor challenge of soft robots in terrestrial locomotion, underwater exploration and dextrous manipulation, and win a €5000 prize. The call for expression of interest closes on 31 October 2015 (extended deadline).

New light on emulsions

Many industries - and each of our cells - depend on emulsions. An EU-funded researcher has developed a method for studying molecules at the interface between oil nanodroplets and the water-based liquid contained in these substances. Her work advances understanding of liquid interfaces and emulsion stability, and is of great interest to industry.

Workshop on biopolymers and their use in packaging applications

The European Fruit Juice Association and the PHBOTTLE consortium invites you to a half-day workshop dedicated to discussing biopolymers and their use in food and non‐food packaging applications.

The EU-funded PHBOTTLE project set out to develop a new bottle made of PHB (Polyhydroxybutyrate) which was obtained from fermentation of wastewater from juice processing industries.

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2014

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The first Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2014