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European Institute of Innovation and Technology - EIT

European Institute of Innovation and Technology - EIT

Apply now for EIT Health’s European Health Catapult Competition

The new European Health Catapult Competition has been launched. Startups and SMEs in Medtech, Biotech and Digital health can now apply through the webpage. The Competition gives you the chance to mature your business plan and pitching skills, to gain access to a large network of experts and investors, to attend a 2 day training, to benefit from the total of 135,000 € value awarded and to present your business idea at the EIT Health Summit in London. Application deadline: 30 April 2017

EIT Digital ARISE Europe Open Call for Innovation Centers

The EIT Digital ARISE Europe program, which is part of the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme, carries out business innovation projects with its local partners, bringing together investors, startups and SMEs. Any interested organization is invited to apply and have the chance of being connected to the largest Pan-European digital Innovation ecosystem. The deadline for applications is April 30, 2017.

Register now for EIT Digital's Annual Conference

On March 21, 2017, EIT Digital will host its second annual Conference - Delivering Europe's Digital Transformation - showcasing EIT Digital's achievements. The 2017 conference programme gives the floor to leading government and industry experts as well as entrepreneurs, bringing their experience with disruptive digital innovation. There will be the opportunity to join seminars and discussions on the next challenges for the digital economy.

EIT Digital increases commitment to Spanish digital innovation

EIT Digital today opened an innovation hub in Madrid to strengthen development of digital innovation in Spain. Tibor Navracsics, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport and Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, Spanish Minister for Education, Culture, and Sport, attended the opening and welcomed the closer integration of the Spanish innovation ecosystem into the European market through the new EIT Digital Node.

Commission simplifies Horizon 2020

The European Commission will further simplify participation in Horizon 2020, the EU's research and innovation programme. New funding rules will reduce administrative costs to participants and help prevent accounting errors.

EIT InnoEnergy supported start-up LeadCold signs $200 million funding agreement

Essel Group Middle East has signed a deal to invest approximately $200M (€188M) in LeadCold – an EIT InnoEnergy supported start-up that has developed a unique, reliable and safe micro-nuclear reactor. A cost-effective and low-carbon substitute for diesel generation, LeadCold’s innovation is designed to bring power to remote, off-grid areas.

EIT Health Call for Applications for Headstart and Proof of Concept Funding

EIT Health is now seeking applications from suitable companies and individuals for the 2017 round of Headstart and Proof-of-Concept Grants. As part of its Accelerator activities, EIT Health provides funding for emerging companies and SMEs to develop new products and services for areas of interest to EIT Health and its members. The purpose of the funding is to accelerate market entry and create new economic activity. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2017.

Switzerland steps up research and innovation cooperation with the EU

Swiss researchers and organisations will now be able to fully participate in Horizon 2020, the European Union's research and innovation funding programme, on equal terms with entities from EU Member States and other associated countries. This is because on 1 January 2017, Switzerland will become fully associated to Horizon 2020. Until now, Switzerland has only been associated to parts of the programme.

EIT Newsletter - December 2016

The December 2016 edition of the EIT Newsletter brings you the latest news on EIT Community events, achievements and opportunities.

Horizon 2020 Monitoring Report 2015

For Horizon 2020, the Commission has a legal obligation to monitor continually and systematically its implementation, to report annually and to disseminate the results of this monitoring. The second Annual Monitoring Report under Horizon 2020 is a comprehensive publication encompassing the analysis of Horizon 2020 through its calls closed in 2015.