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EU-AU-IIASA Evidence and Policy Event

To develop the necessary skills for improving practices in better integrating evidence into policy-making, the European and African Union Commissions together with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) are organising a highly participatory evidence and policy event.

Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography launch

This event will bring together policy makers, analysts and researchers from the EU institutions, European and international organisations, think tanks and academia to launch the European Commission's Knowledge Centre on Migration and Demography.

IP Exchange and Finance: a contribution to innovation

This workshop will consider the challenges and opportunities presented by Intellectual Property trading and Intellectual Property based finance. It will host a variety of keynote speakers with experience in patent, copyright and IP markets, and it will bring together representatives of IP trading and finance initiatives.

24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

The conference attracts participants from a wide-ranging background: researchers, engineers, technologists, standards organisations, financial institutions, policy makers and decision makers. The Technical Programme is coordinated by the JRC.

JRC Open Day 2016

The JRC opens the doors of its Ispra site in northern Italy under the theme of 'Making Sense of Science'. Registrations are open.

Policy Research Forum on the Social Dimension of the Economic and Monetary Union

The JRC and the College of Europe invite financial and fiscal experts, researchers and policy-makers to discuss potential tools and methods in support of policy responses for building social fairness while implementing necessary structural reforms. The Forum will focus on two topics: the social dimension of taxation and the financing of inclusive growth within the European Union.

6th European Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA2016)

Transport Research Arena 2016 is a biennial conference dedicated to efficient and sustainable mobility of people and goods. It gathers researches, policy-makers and industry to work together on challenges and opportunities in the sector.


InnoGrid2020+ has become the not-to-be-missed EU event on innovation in electricity networks. This year's edition focuses on “Digital Energy”.

2016 Conference on Big Data from Space (BiDS'16)

Big Data from Space refers to the massive spatio-temporal Earth and Space observation data collected by space-borne and ground-based sensors. Co-organised with the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen), the conference brings together users, researchers and engineers.

Counter Nuclear Smuggling Workshop 2016

In the run-up to the 2016 Nuclear Security Summit, to be held in Washington DC on 31 March and 1st April, the JRC and the US Department of Energy (DoE) are co-organising a workshop focusing on the relationship between law enforcement investigations and the technical toolsets that may be applied to support a nuclear smuggling investigation.