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Innovation Camp on Resilience

The Thessaloniki Innovation Camp on Resilience 2017 aims to develop grassroots ideas and projects on how to improve resilience and systematically address risks to the safety and well-being of citizens.

The camp offers the opportunity for participants coming from academia, business, civil society and local governance to reflect on how to better deal with societal shocks and stresses.

Participation is free of charge for all people with the desire to develop creative ideas into innovative societal solutions.

Resonances II exhibition FAIR/FEAR - What makes a fair society?

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights." (UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights)

How can we build a fair world? Science and art (SciArt) meet to provoke conversation and inspire answers to this question at the second Resonances exhibition about Fair/Fear.

Resonances II is a mix of debates, performances, conferences and an exhibition organised by the European Commission's science and knowledge service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci.

European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC)

The EU PVSEC is the largest international conference for photovoltaic research, technologies and applications, and at the same time a top international PV Industry Exhibitions. It gathers the global PV community to conduct business, to network and to present and discuss the latest developments and innovations in photovoltaics. It is the world renowned science-to-science, business-to-business and science-to-industry platform with a full and only focus on the global PV solar sector.

The Future of Food in the EU

This symposium will present the JRC Foresight Study "Delivering on EU Food Safety and Nutrition
in 2050 – Future challenges and policy preparedness"*, commissioned by DG SANTE, share views and food policies of Member States and will provide a platform for a multi-disciplinary discussion on the Future of Food in the EU with stakeholders representing a wide range of perspectives related to the entire food chain.

Congress on Food Fraud

The “Food Fraud” congress, hosted by the BVL and the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC), will centre around the revision of the EU Control Regulation, which came into force in spring 2017. The new legal situation provides the framework for dealing in more depth with the implications of the new Regulation on the subject of food fraud. The event is addressed to all actors and stakeholders in this field.

STS Contro-Corrente Seminars: Brian Wynne

How can we connect Responsible Research and Innovation with honest regulation in Europe? Reflections on Scientific Knowledge as Political Economy Speaker:Prof. Brian Wynne, Lancaster Univ., UK

International GNSS Summer School 2017

This year the International GNSS Summer School will be hosted by the Norwegian Space Centre and held at Longyearbyen, Svalbard – Spitsbergen, Norway, on 4-15 September 2017.

The The summer school is held in cooperation with the European Space Agency (ESA), the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and four internationally renewed universities: the Bundeswehr Universität München,  ISAE Supaero, Stanford University and Technical University (TU) Graz.

New Narratives of Energy and Sustainability

The task of this series of inspirational workshops is to bring unconventional thinking about different topics. This workshop focuses on energy and energy policies inside the EU institutions and has ensuing discussions about different insights.

Conference "XXIV Public Economics Meeting"

Co-organised with the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales and the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the conference focuses on fiscal policy, growth, regional and health economics.

Text mining in policy making

The conference will be an opportunity for policy makers from EU institutions to understand better the benefits of text mining in policy making processes, and pave the way forward for a better use of these solutions in policy making.

DanubeHack 2.0

Participants to DanubeHack 2.0 will explore the possible added value generated on top of open (geo) data, related application programming interfaces (APIs) and software tools, identified within the Danube region.

Improving Data on International Migration

A first global conference on how to improve data on international migration will welcome academia, governments, the private sector and civil society from across the world.