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Science meets parliaments 2016

The event will bring together Members of the European Parliament (MEP) and scientists in a series of bilateral meetings, as well as the now established Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) MEP-Scientist Pairing Scheme.

Science meets parliaments 2016

Following on from the success of Science meets parliaments in 2015, the JRC will organise the second edition on 8 November 2016 in Brussels. The event will bring together Members of the European Parliament (MEP) and scientists in a series of bilateral meetings, as well as the now established Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) MEP-Scientist Pairing Scheme.

Science meets regions

Together with the Committee of the Regions, the JRC is organising a conference to examine the challenges of evidence informed policy-making at regional level. It will bring together representative of EU regional authorities and scientists to exchange views on evidence-informed decision-making process at regional level.

JRC at COP22

As the Commission’s science and knowledge service, the JRC provides scientific and technical advice to EU policy in a range of areas central to international climate negotiations. In this capacity the JRC also advises the EU's delegation to Marrakech, Morocco.

ADVANCE final conference "Deep decarbonisation for staying well below 2°C"

Participants in the European Commission‐funded project ADVANCE will present results of their four-year work on improved modelling to better quantify the requirements for climate stabilisation and the implications of international climate agreements, including the Paris Climate Agreement. The conference will bring together stakeholders, climate policy experts and scientists.

Counterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation (COMPIE) 2016

Co-organised with Milan's Università Cattolica "S. Cuore", the COMPIE 2016 conference will bring together policy makers and researchers to discuss developments in counterfactual methods applied to the impact evaluation of policy interventions, with a focus on EU employment and social policies.

Lab Connections - policy labs in Europe, for Europe

A first-ever gathering of policy labs in Brussels will focus on territories and sustainability; knowledge, skills and culture; inclusion and welfare; governance and democracy; and economy, innovation and employment.

JRC Annual Lecture & Conference

This year's editions will feature a lecture on fairness on 10 October and a conference focusing on the importance of human capital for the prosperity of regions and cities on 11 October. Around 400 participants from different academic fields, and representatives from regions, cities, business and international organisations will participate.

Science and Policy Making: towards a new dialogue

Jointly organised by the European Commission and the International Network for Government Science Advice (INGSA), the conference will bring together users and providers of scientific advice on critical, global issues.

Macro-Regional Innovation Week

A week of seminars and workshops will target contiguous regions that are relevant for ther historical and economic ties and because of their inclusion in overlapping macro-regional strategies (e.g. Danube Strategy, Adriatic-Ionian Strategy or Alpine Region Strategy).

Macro-Regional Innovation Week

Five days of exchange of best practices and knowledge among a plethora of stakeholders will focus on contiguous regions that are relevant because of significant historical and economic ties and because of their inclusion in overlapping macro-regional strategies (e.g. Danube Strategy, Adriatic-Ionian Strategy or Alpine Region Strategy.

1st International Workshop on Resilience

Organised by the JRC and the Politecnico di Torino, the participants will strive to assess and develop strategies on how to improve community resilience against a major event.