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New European Bauhaus Conference

‘Beautiful. Sustainable. Together.' These three words encapsulate the ambitions of the New European Bauhaus. But what exactly do they mean? How can we make our living spaces greener, more affordable, more accessible and overall improve the quality of life for everyone living in Europe? What inspiration can we take from recent projects, and how can we take a truly global perspective to learn lessons on the best way forward? Join us and leading thinkers and practitioners around the world for a conversation on the New European Bauhaus initiative.

Launch of the Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation

Actionable information from Earth observation (EO) data has become increasingly valuable to public and private efforts that improve our planet and people. The Knowledge Centre on Earth Observation will serve as a focal point to translate this data into evidence for EU policymaking decisions and implementation.

Workshop: Smart Specialisation for the Recovery

This event aims to deepen our understanding as to how Smart Specialisation can be an effective tool to help territories recover from the pandemic and discover new opportunities for more sustainable and inclusive economies. The workshop offers a unique forum to practitioners, policy-makers and researchers to discuss concrete achievements, good practices, and challenges related to implementing the Smart Specialisation policy in EU regions.

19th ESARDA COURSE on Nuclear Safeguards and Non Proliferation

This compact course is open to nuclear engineering masters students, young professionals and International Relations / law students. The course addresses aspects of the efforts to create a global nuclear nonproliferation system and how this sytem works in practice: the Treaty on Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), safeguards technology, and export control. Also regional settings, such as Euratom Treaty, are presented and discussed.

Joint OECD/JRC report launch: new tools to address spillover and transboundary impacts in the UN 2030 Agenda

Join us on 8 April at an online event to launch 'Understanding the Spillovers and Transboundary Impacts of Public Policies: Implementing the 2030 Agenda for More Resilient Societies'. The report is the result of collaboration between the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the JRC. It presents a set of new governance and analytical tools, lessons learned from country experiences, and good emerging practices for managing spillover and transboundary effects in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

3rd JRC Fiscal Policy Modelling Workshop

This workshop focuses on the use of economic modelling for fiscal policy analysis. It gathers policy makers and leading economists from Europe and the US working on topics closely related to the JRC’s own research agenda.

Webinar on EU citizens' interests and the European Green Deal

The JRC is organising a webinar to present the report 'Tracking EU Citizens’ Interest in EC Priorities Using Online Search Data: The European Green Deal'.

This is the first of a series of reports in which the JRC will use online search data to provide insights on the interest of European’s citizens related to the six Commission priorities.

Smart Specialisation in Portugal

Co-organised by the JRC and the Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Alentejo (CCDR Alentejo), this online event brings together policy-makers, entrepreneurs, academia, and citizens to contribute to the debate on how to improve the governance and 'Entrepreneurial Discovery Process' of the Smart Specialisation Strategy in Portugal.

Social Economy Scientific Conference #SES2020

Social economy could play an important role in Europe's recovery.The #SES2020 will look at the social economy as a driver of change.

A vibrant network of distinguished researchers and academic scholars will discuss how the future of social economy could help our societies bounce forward.

SELFIE work-based learning at European Vocational Skills Week

Register for this year's European Vocational Skills Week as local, regional and national organisations showcase the very best of vocational education and training.

A new project of SELFIE - the self reflection tool to help schools make the most of digital technologies for teaching and learning - will be presented during the week. The JRC is working with partners across Europe to develop a new SELFIE module specifically designed for work-based learning.

IACS Autumn 2020 Webinar

This webinar will inform the IACS community about recent outputs from the JRC on technical guidance and the various Sentinel uses. The webinar is open to any technical expert involved in Common Agricultural Policy controls.

Urban Development Network webinars: Six building blocks to sustainable urban development

The Urban Development Network (UDN) is organising six online webinars based on the findings of the Handbook of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies published by the Joint Research Centre in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy. The event is open to Managing Authorities and Local Authorities of Sustainable Urban Development Strategies, as well as other interested urban stakeholders.

Science for policymaking in Belgium

This workshop on Belgium’s science for policy eco-system forms part of the JRC’s series of 15+ online workshops on 'Strengthening and connecting eco-systems of science for policy across Europe', reflecting an increasing recognition of the value of scientific evidence for policymaking and of the need for robust and well-connected eco-systems of science for policy in Europe.

EU digital autumn school - protection of public spaces from terrorist attacks

Public spaces are vulnerable. Terrorist attacks have shown a recurrent targeting of public spaces, so-called "soft targets".

The EU supports national, regional and urban authorities and operators of public spaces in their effort to protect public spaces to improve security and ensure that people can continue their daily lives.

To this end we organise the digital autumn school on protection of public spaces.