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Science Meets Parliaments 2017

Under the main topic 'the role of science in a post fact society', the European Parliament opens its doors to the JRC's flagship Science Meets Parliaments initiative

23rd MARS Conference

The conference provides a platform to present and discuss Member States’ experiences and general observations of the Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS), including developments in shared management.

Science Meets Parliaments 2017

Under the main topic "the role of science in a post fact society" the European Parliament opens its doors to Science Meets Parliaments - a flagship initiative of the JRC, organised in collaboration with the European Parliament’s Science and Technology Options Assessment(STOA) panel.

The day will also include an exploration of the role of regions in evidence-informed policy-making, an opportunity for young scientists to challenge MEPs and a discussion on the importance of art and science for innovation in industry.

The event is now fully-booked, but you can follow the livestream on the event page from 14:00 this Tuesday.

JRC Karlsruhe JRC@60 anniversary

The JRC will mark the 60th anniversary of the signing of the EURATOM Treaty with a celebration dedicated to the Treaty’s achievements, particularly to the role and benefits of EURATOM supporting research, safety and safeguarding the peaceful use of nuclear energy in Europe.

2017 Neutron Resonance Analysis School

The fourth Neutron Resonance Analysis School is intended to provide an overview to the measurement and analysis techniques associated with neutron induced reactions alongside the nuclear theory governing these reactions.

Railways of the future

To address the challenges faced by the European railway industry with a focus on passenger experience, innovation and security, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), together with the European Standardisation Organisations CEN and CENELEC organise a workshop on “Railways of the future".  

The output of the event will allow adjustment of standardization priorities and implementation roadmaps.

6th European Conference on Corporate R&D and Innovation CONCORDi 2017 - Innovation and Industrial Dynamics: Challenges for the next decade

On the occasion of its tenth anniversary, CONCORDi 2017 aims to present and discuss both theoretical and empirical contributions relevant to corporate R&D, innovation and technological advancement.The Conference will be structured in plenary sessions (with interventions by invited speakers and round-table panelists), parallel sessions (with presenters selected following the call for papers) and posters sessions.There will be no conference registration fee.

Human Planet Forum 2017

Open, inclusive and consistent data are needed for assessing humanity’s impact on the planet, access to resources, and exposure to risk. New knowledge is needed in order to translate these new data into actionable information to support decision making by governments, organizations and individuals.

JRC-SAS-INGSA Evidence and Policy Summer School

We aim at helping researchers have more impact and policymakers use evidence for policy solutions. The thematic topic of the 2017 Summer School is migration and demographic changes – a key strategic area for the future of Europe. Applications are open for • Policymakers from EU countries and Bosnia, FYR Macedonia, Kosovo and Montenegro • Researchers from Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, and Slovenia