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Save the Date: Science for Europe, Science for me

Get ready for two days packed with fun and engaging science activities, interactive workshops, laboratory visits and stories told by scientists Pecha Kucha style. Stay tuned for more details in next month's issue of the JRC Newsletter.

SOFAIR - European Air Quality Conference

SOFAIR is an international high-level conference on air pollution, initiated by the Mayor of Sofia and organised in partnership with the JRC. Now in its second edition, the conference aims to combine efforts for a healthier urban environment.

JRC Karlsruhe Open Day

With the 2019 European Elections just around the corner, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre - opens the doors of its Karlsruhe site to the European citizens and local communities.

The future of health care provision in rural areas - Germany

Saxony-Anhalt is facing a major challenge: demographic change is currently at its peak in this region. An aging population with increased health care service demands meets a growing shortage of medical and nursing staff, especially in the vast rural areas. Technological innovation in the health care sector is therefore becoming a priority for this region. Their innovation camp on this complex issue will involve a broad range of relevant stakeholders.

Eco-innovation/sustainable development - Bulgaria

The municipality of Sofia will organise an event on the topic of energy and climate change, linking to the Smart Specialisation Strategy of the city. The innovation camp will involve a wide range of stakeholders and pursue the previous engagement of Sofia in the "Science meets Regions" initiative.

Sustainable development & Environmental preservation - Spain

The region of Asturias is currently facing a dilemma: developing its raw materials sector or preserving the natural beauty of the region. This challenge will be adressed at the spanish SmR innovation camp, which will include the participation of stakeholders from both the scientific and the academic world.

Urban renewal - The Netherlands

The Dutch city of Nijmegen joins forces with the Belgian city of Ghent to tackle the issue of urban development by exploring future scenarios for specific neighbourhoods in both cities, cutting across spatial planning and social policies.

Migration - Greece

As one of the main Member States directly affected by migration, Greece is actively dealing with the issue of integration and participation. With the help of local and international scientific expertise, the Hellenic Parliament will discuss and analyse during this one-day conference its current legislative and regulatory framework.

10 years of LPIS Quality Assurance

This workshop aims to enable Member States and their LPIS (Land Parcel Identification System) custodians to perform a good and effective QA analysis and plan/develop appropriate remedial actions for LPIS improvements.

Science Meets Parliaments is back

On 6-7 February the JRC will bring researchers and decision-makers together to the 4th edition of 'Science meets Parliaments', at the European Parliament in Brussels. And you can join us too!

This event will include lectures, art, interactive sessions, scenario exploration workshops and a new exhibition.

View the full programme and sign up here

Second Annual JRC Alumni Network Event

Looking ahead to the European elections, our working theme this year is "Europe 2019 and beyond. Our destiny in our hands".

We will have a panel of colleagues from the European Parliament that will explain the ins and outs of the election process and shed some light on ongoing discussions.

The day after there will be the possibility to join the Science meets Parliament event at the European Parliament.

Science for policy - Estonia

This conference co-organised with the Estonian Parliament will focus on how to best foster science-based policy making through various examples from concrete policy fields.

Science Meets Regions: Green and blue growth

The local economy of Guadeloupe rests almost entirely on marine and agricultural activities. The organised conference will address sustainable economic growth in these fields and tech transfer from the research lab to the field.