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Europe in 12 lessons

What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today?

Europe in a nutshell

This PowerPoint presentation provides a simple overview of the EU. It is available on Teachers' Corner in 23 languages.

Still available: Travelling in Europe 2017-2018

The latest edition of this popular leaflet is still available to order. It contains information on many practical aspects of issues that you might encounter when travelling within the European Union and also includes a helpful fold-out map of Europe.

New: EU invests in the planet

Ten initiatives for a modern and clean economy: the Juncker Commission's contribution to the One Planet Summit held in Paris on 17 December 2017.

The European Story: 60 years of shared progress

The foundations for the Europe we all know today were laid on 26 March 1957 in Rome. The heads of state and government of the European Community signed what is today known as "The Treaties of Rome". This 32 page brochure showcases six decades of shared progress under 10 main themes: peace, democracy, freedom, prosperity, discovery, equality, well-being, sustainability, influence and diversity.

You can set the agenda: Guide to the European Citizens’ Initiative

Making the European Union more democratic and transparent is one of the priorities of the Juncker Commission. It is against this background that the European Citizens’ Initiative is particularly important since it gives citizens the opportunity to express their concerns in a very concrete way and to influence the European political and legislative agenda.

The EU and the Digital Single Market

The Digital Single Market in Europe has been created to ensure equal access to products and services, to create the right environment for dynamic and safe online innovative ecosystems in Europe, and to make sure every European citizen, business and government can trust online services and benefit from the digital revolution.

The EU and the Single Market

The single market is one of Europe’s major achievements. It delivers tangible benefits for people and is an engine for building a stronger and fairer EU economy.

'EU explained' series of booklets

What are the aims and the results of major EU policies? The 'EU explained' series of booklets presents all existing EU policies to the general public. There are currently 32 titles available.

The EU in slides

"The EU in slides" is a selection of PowerPoint slides outlining the basics of what the European Union is, what it does, and how it works. The slides are a flexible aid for teachers and speakers giving presentations about the EU. They are fully editable - anyone can re-use the illustrations, graphs, or templates. The slides cover many of the benefits of the EU, as well as the more traditional subjects of EU history, treaties and institutions.

Europe in a nutshell

This PowerPoint presentation provides a simple overview of the EU. It is available on Teachers' Corner in 23 languages.

The EU and Economic and Monetary Union

Economic and monetary union represents a major step in the integration of EU economies. Launched in 1992, the union involves the coordination of economic and fiscal policies, a common monetary policy, and a common currency, the euro.

'EU explained' series of booklets

What are the aims and the results of major EU policies? The 'EU explained' series of booklets presents all existing EU policies to the general public. There are currently 32 titles available.

The EU in slides

"The EU in slides" is a selection of PowerPoint slides outlining the basics of what the European Union is, what it does, and how it works. The slides are a flexible aid for teachers and speakers giving presentations about the EU. They are fully editable - anyone can re-use the illustrations, graphs, or templates. The slides cover many of the benefits of the EU, as well as the more traditional subjects of EU history, treaties and institutions.

Europe in a nutshell

This PowerPoint presentation provides a simple overview of the EU. It is available on Teachers' Corner in 23 languages.

Europe in 12 lessons

What purpose does the EU serve? Why and how was it set up? How does it work? What has it already achieved for its citizens, and what new challenges does it face today?