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'EU explained' series of booklets

What are the aims and the results of major EU policies? The 'EU explained' series of booklets presents all existing EU policies to the general public. There are currently 32 titles available.

Covers from the 'EU explained' series

date:  15/12/2017

The following titles are currently available:

* Regional policy

* Ten priorities for Europe

* Agriculture

* Banking and finance

* Budget

* Climate action

* Competition

* Consumers

* Culture and audiovisual

* Customs

* Economic and monetary union and the euro

* Education, training, youth and sport

* Employment and social affairs

* Energy

* Enlargement

* Environment

* Food safety

* Humanitarian aid and civil protection

* Internal market

* International cooperation and development

* Maritime affairs and fisheries

* Public health

* Research and innovation

* Taxation 

* Trade

* Transport

The list in EU Bookshop always displays the latest edition of each publication.

Get it here

Representations, EDICS, EDCs, and Delegations can order printed copies of the “EU explained” series. They can do so via the bulk order service for Privileged Partners, using their EU Bookshop login. This is the address for questions on this.

24 languages.