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The EU in slides

"The EU in slides" is a selection of PowerPoint slides outlining the basics of what the European Union is, what it does, and how it works. The slides are a flexible aid for teachers and speakers giving presentations about the EU. They are fully editable - anyone can re-use the illustrations, graphs, or templates. The slides cover many of the benefits of the EU, as well as the more traditional subjects of EU history, treaties and institutions.

Europe in a nutshell

This PowerPoint presentation provides a simple overview of the EU. It is available on Teachers' Corner in 23 languages.

The EU in 2017

Find out everything you need to know about the European Union's achievements in 2017, the 60th anniversary of the founding Treaties of Rome.

Kids' Corner

Educational games and information for young people on European subjects – that it what you can find on the Kids' Corner website. You can train your memory with European flags, explore countries, discover famous Europeans, fly spaceships while you learn history, and much more...

How to contact Europe Direct Information Centres

This practical flyer indicates the phone number, the website, and the e-mail address for contacting Europe Direct. It can easily be adapted to include the contact details of any local Europe Direct Information Centre.

Spotlight on the European Year of Cultural Heritage

2018 is the European Year of Cultural Heritage. Cultural heritage binds Europe together through our common history and values. It also represents the richness and diversity of our cultural traditions. Our shared cultural heritage is to be understood, cherished and celebrated.

Spotlight on the European Solidarity Corps

Young people across the EU should have the opportunity to volunteer or work for a good cause, said Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker during his State of the Union address in September 2016. This would allow them to express their solidarity, develop skills and gain experience. This factsheet presents the latest state of play of this important initiative.

Teachers' Corner

Looking for teaching resources about the European Union? Or wanting to give a pointer to teachers who come to you? Teachers' Corner contains all kinds of material for different age groups.

The Van den Brande report: How to strengthen dialogue with EU citizens

On 15 July 2015, President Juncker appointed Luc Van den Brande as Special Adviser for outreach towards citizens. As a special adviser to the President, Mr Van den Brande worked closely with various Members of the Juncker Commission on how to further strengthen the dialogue with EU citizens. Mr Van den Brande delivered a report for the President, including recommendations on communication outreach to citizens. This factsheet summarizes the recommendations.

Future of Europe: White Paper and all five reflection papers

The White Paper on the future of Europe looks at how Europe will change in the next decade, from the impact of new technologies on society and jobs, to questions about globalisation, security and the rise of populism. It spells out the choice faced by Europe: being swept along by these trends, or embracing them and seizing the new opportunities they bring. Five reflection papers deepen the discussion and are all available to order.

Travelling in Europe 2018-2019

The new edition of this popular leaflet is now availale for order. It contains information on many practical aspects of issues that you might encounter when travelling within the European Union and also includes a helpful fold-out map of Europe.

From Austria: 'Europe for proper grown-ups'

'Europe for proper grown-ups – what you always wanted to know about the EU' is the slightly provocative title of a new brochure published by the Commission Representation in Austria and the Austrian Europe Direct Information Network. The publication aims to fight fake news and dispel popular EU myths by putting the record straight.

The EU in slides

"The EU in slides" is a selection of PowerPoint slides outlining the basics of what the European Union is, what it does, and how it works. The slides are a flexible aid for teachers and speakers giving presentations about the EU. They are fully editable - anyone can re-use the illustrations, graphs, or templates. The slides cover many of the benefits of the EU, as well as the more traditional subjects of EU history, treaties and institutions.