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From Austria: 'Europe for proper grown-ups'

'Europe for proper grown-ups – what you always wanted to know about the EU' is the slightly provocative title of a new brochure published by the Commission Representation in Austria and the Austrian Europe Direct Information Network. The publication aims to fight fake news and dispel popular EU myths by putting the record straight.

'Europa für wirklich Erwachsene: Was Sie schon immer über die EU wissen wollten' cover

date:  12/09/2018

An EU plan to introduce a female quota for the Vienna Boys’ Choir? Not true – simply the invention of four Austrian performers to prove that in Austria, anyone can make up “nonsense about the EU". Covering twelve themes, from migration and terrorism to finance and the future of Europe, the authors counter the myths with real facts. Of course, the legendary crooked cucumber also shows up.

Highlighting the fact that the European Union does a lot for citizens in Austria’s cities and regions, the brochure ends with the presentation of six EU-funded projects that have had a positive impact on the country's economy.

'Europa für wirklich Erwachsene: Was Sie schon immer über die EU wissen wollten'

Format: 21 x 29,7 cm

Kontakt: Sonja Seiser,