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The Van den Brande report: How to strengthen dialogue with EU citizens

On 15 July 2015, President Juncker appointed Luc Van den Brande as Special Adviser for outreach towards citizens. As a special adviser to the President, Mr Van den Brande worked closely with various Members of the Juncker Commission on how to further strengthen the dialogue with EU citizens. Mr Van den Brande delivered a report for the President, including recommendations on communication outreach to citizens. This factsheet summarizes the recommendations.

Cover of 'Reaching out to EU citizens — seizing the opportunity'

date:  12/09/2018

The ultimate goal of the communication approach proposed should be to regain the citizens' trust in the EU's activities. The author conducted several interviews and meetings with personalities from the political, academic and media sectors.

This factsheet gives an overview of the final report itself, entitled 'Reaching out to EU citizens: A new opportunity'.

The factsheet contains four pages in A4 format.
Available in 24 languages.