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The European Story: 60 years of shared progress

The foundations for the Europe we all know today were laid on 26 March 1957 in Rome. The heads of state and government of the European Community signed what is today known as "The Treaties of Rome". This 32 page brochure showcases six decades of shared progress under 10 main themes: peace, democracy, freedom, prosperity, discovery, equality, well-being, sustainability, influence and diversity.

'The European Story: 60 years of shared progress' cover

date:  15/12/2017

The European Story has been published to mark the EU's diamond jubilee. The publication is full of interesting facts - from the EU's 60+ indigenous regional and minority languages to the 6.5 million Europeans currently working in another Member State, and from the EU being the largest union of democracies in the world to Europeans living more than eight years longer than the world average. This publication was prepared by the European Political Strategy Centre to mark the 60th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome.

Catalogue number: ES-01-17-157-**-C

Available in all 24 official languages.