Zurück When are they ready to leave the nest?

3. Mai 2017

© SpeedKingz/Shutterstock.com

In their early 20s in the Nordic Member States…

In the European Union (EU), the average age of young people leaving the parental household stood at 26.1 in 2015. But significant differences can be observed across Member States. The three Nordic Member States were those where young people left home earliest: at 19.7 years in Sweden, 21.1 years in Denmark and 21.9 years in Finland. They were followed by Luxembourg (23.1), Estonia (23.6), the Netherlands (23.7), Germany (23.8) and France (23.9).

In their 30s in Croatia, Malta, Slovakia and Italy

At the opposite end of the scale, young people in Croatia remained the longest in the parental household. They left home at an average age of 31.4, followed by Malta (31.1), Slovakia (30.9), Italy (30.1), Greece (29.4), Spain (29.0), Portugal (28.9) and Bulgaria (28.7).

Map: Average age when leaving the parental household in the EU Member States, 2015

The source dataset can be found here.


It should also be noted that in every EU Member State, young women tended to leave the parental household earlier than men. The highest differences between the genders were registered in Romania (25.6 years for women, compared with 30.0 for men), Bulgaria (26.8 vs. 30.5) and Croatia (29.6 vs. 33.0).