Zurück Foreign-controlled enterprises in EU: value added

11 April 2019

© Pushish Images/Shutterstock.com

In 2016, 1.2 % of enterprises in the European Union (EU) were foreign-controlled. They accounted for 15.3 % of EU employment and 25.0 % of the value added in the non-financial business economy. Between 2010 and 2016, the share of value added by foreign-controlled enterprises in the EU rose by 2.3 percentage points.

At the level of individual EU Member States, the countries with the highest shares of value added by foreign-controlled enterprises in 2016 were Hungary (51.4 %), Slovakia (48.1 %) and Luxembourg (44.6 %). In contrast, four EU Member States had shares under 20 %: Cyprus (13.4 %), Italy (15.8 %), Greece (16.3 %) and France (16.4 %).

Bar char showing share of value added by foreign-controlled enterprises in 2016

The source data are here.


For more information about statistics on foreign-controlled enterprises take a look at the Eurostat web-page on foreign affiliates.


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