Zurück Girls and women under-represented in ICT

25. April 2018

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Over 1.3 million people were enrolled in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the European Union (EU) in 2016. Females were largely in a minority, accounting for only one in six ICT students (16.7%).

Across the EU Member States, the share of female students ranged from less than one tenth in the Netherlands (6%), Belgium (8%) and Luxembourg (almost 10%) to over a quarter in Bulgaria (33%), Romania (31%), Greece and Sweden (both 29%) as well as Cyprus (26%).

Female ICT students

The source dataset can be found here.



A similar pattern could be observed on the labour market. 8.4 million people were employed in the EU as ICT specialists last year. The figures show that the profession was predominately male as females also represented only 17.2% (1.4 million) of all ICT specialists employed in the EU.

Across the EU Member States, women accounted for less than 10% of ICT specialists in Hungary (8.9%) and the Czech Republic (9.3%), while about one ICT specialist out of four was a woman in Bulgaria (26.5%), Romania and Lithuania (both 25.7%).

Women among ICT specialists

The source dataset can be found here.



This information is published by Eurostat on the occasion of International Girls in ICT Day, celebrated on the 4th Thursday in April every year. It is a global initiative aimed at encouraging girls and young women to consider studies and careers in the growing field of information and communication technologies.

For more information please contact us: estat-user-support@ec.europa.eu.