Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

This report covers the calculation of the index of frequent bird species on farms habitats for 2018. The index of frequent bird species in agricultural habitats is one of basic indicators to measure and evaluate the impact of EU agricultural policy and practice on natural components.

The evaluation covers all the PNGRAT measures and their combined effects: sub-measure 17.1 (crop, animal and plant insurance); sub-measure 17.2 (mutual funds); technical assistance. The analysis relates to the implementation of the program within its scope of metropolitan application (measures not deployed in the French overseas departments), from its start in 2014 until the end of 2017.

This mid-term environmental assessment was conducted in order to assess the real impact of the RDP on the environment.

The evaluation examined the implementation, results and preliminary impact of the advisory measure for the Rural Development Program for Continental Finland 2014-2020. The Rural Development Program for mainland Finland is part of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).


This study evaluates technical assistance provided by the Estonian Rural Development Plan 2014-2020 financed by the Ministry of Rural Affairs funds. The objective of the evaluation was to analyse the counselling system, including counselling services and counsellor training.

As part of the evaluation of the state program for rural areas in Schleswig-Holstein (LPLR)
2014 to 2020 was a case study on the compensation allowance (AZ) which was coordinated with the Ministry of Energy Transition, Agriculture, Environment, nature and digitization (MELUND). The results are summarised and evaluated in this report.
