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This study was carried out as part of the evaluation of the measures in Baden-Württemberg 2014-2020 (MEPL III). The attractiveness of various FAKT flower mixtures on various pollinating insect groups (bees, butterflies, hoverflies) were examined. The species abundance and the frequency of these insects on the flower areas sown with the flowering mixtures approved for FAKT funding was assessed.  

Discover articles on:

  • From the AIR in 2019 to the ex ante evaluation of the CAP Strategic Plan
  • Linking result indicators and specific objectives
  • Getting to know Sophie Helaine Head of Unit C.4 ‘Monitoring and Evaluation’

Expand your knowledge of:

  • Data Management for the Assessment of RDP Effects

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicators:

I.01 Agricultural entrepreneurial income 
I.02 Agricultural factor income
I.03 Total factor productivity in agriculture

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicator:

I.07 Emissions from agriculture
I.07 – 1 GHG emission from agriculture 
I.07 – 2 Ammonia emissions from agriculture 


This interactive decision tool is for impact indicators:

I.14 Rural employment rate
I.15 Degree of rural poverty
I.16 Rural GDP per capita

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicator:

I.13 Soil erosion by water
I.13-1 Estimated rate of soil loss by water erosion; 
I.13-2 Estimated agricultural area affected by a certain rate of soil erosion by water

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicator:

I.12 Soil organic matter in arable land

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicators:

I.10 Water Abstraction in Agriculture
I.11 Water Quality:
I.11-1 Gross Nutrient Balance (GNB) (Gross Nitrogen Balance (GNB-N) and Gross Phosphorus Balance (GNB-P))
I.11-2 Nitrates in freshwater

This interactive decision tool is for impact indicators:

I.08 Farmland Bird Index (FBI)
I.09 High Nature Value (HNV) farming
