Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

This is a partial report from the evaluation of broadband support for Swedish countryside. The support consists of access networks financed by the rural program and local area networks financed by the European Regional Development Fund.


This report covers the monitoring of selected target species of butterflies in 2019.

This report provides a follow-up of how things are going in the Swedish RDP 2014-2020 in terms of energy efficiency, renewable energy and reduced greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions. The report contains a compilation of statistics and analyses the situation. 

This report evaluates quality changes in meadows and pastures with and without environmental compensation SLU and analysed quality changes in pastures with and without environmental compensation. Data sources from two environmental monitoring programs have been used: Quality monitoring of meadows and pastures and the National Inventory of the Landscape in Sweden (NILS).
The report also contains conclusions about what is needed for future evaluations.

Preliminary study for evaluation of environmental investments for improved water quality in the rural program and investment support for aquaculture in the marine and fisheries program
The evaluation aims to demonstrate the methods that can be used to analyse the effects of program efforts on the presence of phosphorus and nitrogen. The main purpose is to clarify how to evaluate selected initiatives, what documentation is required and what methods can be used.

This is report is an evaluation of the Lithuanian Rural Development 2014-2020. The analysis of this report focuses on the impact of the programme on the environment and identification of environmental indicators between 2016–2018
