Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

Discover articles on:

  • Improving evidence-based evaluations in view of the ex post evaluation
  • What do the Green Deal Targets mean for CAP Strategic Plans
  • The 15th Good Practice Workshop: 'Assessing the contribution of RDPs to a competitive and viable agricultural sector'

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  • Adapting the evaluation design in times of COVID-19: Questions to guide decisions for RDP evaluations

This document addresses challenges in preparing and conducting the assessment of RDP impacts in the ex post evaluation with consideration for multiple intervening, confounding or external factors related to a changing socio-economic, environmental or health context (as recently experienced) which may influence the intended programme effects.

This document provides a non-exhaustive list of possible additional evaluation elements (judgement criteria, result indicators, possible data sources) and a list of actions that Managing Authorities and evaluators may consider when preparing and conducting the assessment of competitiveness in the ex post evaluation when answering Common Evaluation Questions 4 and 6. 

This document includes the updated fiches for answering Common Evaluation Questions 4 and 6 for the ex post evaluation of RDPs 2014-2020. These fiches have been updated by providing a non-exhaustive list of possible additional evaluation elements that Managing Authorities and evaluators may consider when preparing and conducting the assessment of competitiveness in agriculture. 

The purpose of this thematic evaluation was to achieve a better assessment of C.40 and I.11 or gross nutrient balance (GNB) on agricultural land. In the case of Hungary, national balance levels often mask the share of extreme positive and negative dissolved nitrogen (DN) and dissolved phosphorus (DP) data, both of which may cause environmental risks.

The study provides an overview of the current economic situation, sustainability, competition and export capacity of companies engaged in the processing and marketing of agricultural products, as well as future plans and necessary investments.

This report summarises the major outcomes of the Good Practice Workshop, 'Assessing the Contribution of RDPs to a Competitive and Viable Agricultural Sector', which was hosted by the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development. 

The fifteenth Good Practice Workshop 'Assessing the Contribution of RDPs to a Competitive and Viable Agricultural Sector' took place online on 9-10 December 2020. The overall objective was to reflect on experiences in relation to assessing the contribution of RDPs to a competitive and viable agricultural sector within a properly functioning food supply chain and EU capacity for crisis management.

This Factsheet describes what are National Inventory Reports (NIRs) and why they are essential for the assessment of GHG emissions. This factsheet further describes and explores the different tier methodologies used for the assessment of GHG emissions. 

Discover articles on:

  • Towards improved reporting of environmental effects of RDPs in the ex post
  • The 14th Good Practice Workshop: 'Assessment of resource efficiency and climate'
  • How to monitor Small Landscape Features (SLF) using Copernicus land monitoring products?

Expand your knowledge of:

  • Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS): Using administrative data for evaluation
