Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

To estimate the effectiveness of management agreements on breeding bird populations in the agricultural area, the Flemish Research Institute of Nature and Forest designed in 2010 a monitoring network of 14 areas spread across Flanders. Territorial mapping is used to determine whether the population trend of field birds is more positive in areas without management measures. It was examined whether the trends obtained can be explained by the surface area of management agreements.  

This report evaluates the LEADER measure and the self-evaluations carried out by the LAGs, which were completed for the first time in the current program period and aims to increase the level of self‐reflection in the LAGs. 

The aim of the study was to analyse the function of the impact orientation system as a steering and control instrument at the level of the local action groups for the implementation of the local development strategy and the internal quality control/self-evaluation of the LAG, as well as a steering instrument at the level of the administrative authority.

The aim of the study was to analyse the question of the extent to which gender mainstreaming and equality between women and men were considered in the Austrian programme for rural development 2014-2020 and which areas still have room for improvement.

As part of the accompanying evaluation of the Austrian program for rural development from 2014 to 2020, this National Report 2019 describes the implementation and the effects of the measures of Priority 1 ‘Promotion of knowledge transfer and innovation in agriculture, forestry and rural areas’ and the cross-cutting objective of innovation. 

Based on examples in Germany, Sweden and Norway, suitable training, labour market and income-specific indicators are selected and summarized in an overall index. The aim is to show the extent of the (in)equality of opportunities for women and men at the regional level in Austria in accordance with the gender mainstreaming approach.
