Search Evaluation Publications

Total results: 334.

This report covers the evaluation of the National Rural Network of Spain.
This document aims to:
Quantify the achievements of the RRN with regard to its productivity, result and impact indicators and in those cases, in which the above is not possible, carry out a qualitative evaluation.
This report further provides conclusions and recommendations to improve the operations and achievement of the objectives of the RRN.

The evaluation is carried out to assess the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of the German NRN.
At the same time, the evaluation serves to optimize the fulfilment of tasks in the current funding period.

In the second half of 2018, an evaluation was conducted to assess the achievement of the Flemish NRN towards its four objectives.

Initial process evaluation for LEADER 2014-2020 and assessment of its economic, social, cultural and environmental impact on rural communities.

This is the final report from the evaluation of broadband support for the Swedish countryside. Support is provided to access networks, from the rural program, and to local interconnecting networks, from the European Regional Development Fund. 


This first report on sustainable effects from locally led development analyses what is meant by sustainable effects and how to design intervention logic at the program, strategy and application levels.
