EQUAL in France

Managing Authority

Ministère de l'Emploi,
de la Cohésion sociale et du Logement
DGEFP - Sous-direction du Fonds social européen

7, square Max Hymans
F-75741 Paris Cedex 15
link www.fse.gouv.fr

Community Initiative Programme (CIP)

CIP fr


Type of document





Evaluation finale 2004-2005 du PIC EQUAL en France, Mise à jour de l’évaluation à mi-parcours

[FR - Update.pdf]




EQUAL La méthode d’évaluation

[FR - Ex Sum Update.pdf]



Practical examples

en FR - A National Thematic Network to tackle Racial Discrimination
en FR - Capacity-Building in Public Employment Services to Counter and Prevent Discrimination
en FR - Partners in Fighting Racial Discrimination
en FR - Tackling Inequality in the Transition from Prison to Social and Working Life
en FR - Entrepreneurial couples
en FR - Really making money
en FR - Sustaining micro-enterprises by innovative services
en FR - Migrating out of the informal economy
en FR - Cooperating their way into new jobs
en FR - Never too old to build a future
en FR - A European Guide for Age Management and the Second Career Life
en FR - Widening skills in the audio visual sector
en FR - Transfer of knowledge in the Rhone-Alpes
en FR - Valuing skills in the care sector
en FR - A new approach to transferring know-how
en FR - Night and days - 7 days a week
en FR - Making Time Everybody's Business
en FR - Experts in their own right
en FR - Trafficking in human beings - A.C.T.E.S. now!
en FR - Providing global range of activities to asylum seekers
en FR - Observing the reality of asylum seekers
en FR, PT - National networks of DPs tackling discrimination against immigrants and ethnic minorities
en FR - Combating Discrimination in Temporary Work
en FR - Combining distance training and "alternance" (Se Qualifier Hors Les Murs)
en FR - Developing a Common Anti-Discrimination Culture amongst Local Actors
en FR - Mobilising Employers-A Commitment to Non-Discrimination
en FR - Capacity-Building in Public Employment Services to Counter and Prevent Discrimination
en FR - Monitoring individual pathways (Exigence)