Promoting Gender Equality

The Development Partnerships (DPs) that were launched under the Equal Opportunities Strand of EQUAL operated in two main fields of action:

  • Reconciliation: Reconciling family and professional life, as well as the reintegration of men and women who have left the labour market, by developing more flexible and effective forms of work organisation and support services.
  • Desegregation: Reducing gender gaps and supporting job de-segregation.
Strategic lessons
These documents have been prepared as part of a series of papers on Strategic Lessons from the Equal Opportunities Strand of EQUAL. The main purpose of these papers is to underpin and help to focus transnational cooperation within the framework of the European Social Fund (ESF), as a means of promoting EQUAL principles and of mainstreaming EQUAL approaches that can be directly related to the new ESF priorities for action. These Strategic Lessons seek to highlight, from a European perspective, what has already been achieved by EQUAL in relation to the new ESF thematic priorities and to demonstrate those EQUAL approaches that have a potential for wider transfer within the Union.
en Promoting Gender Equality- An Overview - 2008
This document provides an overview of EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs), and transnational and national thematic networks that have been concerned with Equal Opportunities.
en Dismantling Gender Stereotypes - 2008
This document summarises outcomes from EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs), transnational and national thematic networks that have been concerned with changing attitudes in order to dismantle gender stereotypes.
en Gender Equality Alliances in Territorial and Sectoral Contexts - 2008
This document summarises outcomes from EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs) and transnational and national thematic networks that have been concerned with gender equality issues and alliances.
en Widening Vocational Choices and Breaking the Glass Ceiling for Women’s Career Advancement - 2008
This document summarises outcomes from EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs), and transnational and national thematic networks that have been concerned with desegregation of the labour market.
en Promoting Gender Mainstreaming - 2008
Across the EU, EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs) and National Thematic Networks (NTNs) have tried and tested a multitude of strategies and approaches to integrating the gender dimension through gender mainstreaming (GM). Almost all of the 275 DPs that were working on the EQUAL theme of Almost all of the 275 DPs that were working on the EQUAL theme of ‘Reducing gender gaps and desegregation’ worked on Gender Mainstreaming as did 13 of the DPs that were selected to work on the theme of ‘Reconciling family and professional life.’ This represents a considerable investment of money, time and effort and it is certainly the largest body of experience and knowledge on this topic that has been established and exploited by any single European Programme or Community Initiative.
en Improving the work-life-balance of Women and Men - 2008
This document summarises outcomes from EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs), and transnational and national thematic networks that have been concerned with the reconciliation of family and working life./td>
Policy briefs
These policy briefs arise from the work carried out in the Equal Opportunities Strand of EQUAL. Through two calls for proposals for projects in the Member States a total of 463 Equal Opportunities Development Partnerships (DPs) were chosen – 188 to work on the topic of ‘Reducing gender gaps and desegregation’ and 275 on ‘Reconciling family and professional life.’
en     EQUAL pushing Gender into the Mainstream - 2007
Across the EU, EQUAL Development Partnerships have tried and tested a multitude of approaches to integrating the gender dimension into project and programme levels. These included applying GM not only in projects focusing on the gender equality themes of desegregation and reconciliation but also as a transversal principle in projects operating under all the other EQUAL themes. EQUAL has assisted local communities, regions, economic sectors or education, and training and research institutions to introduce GM into their respective policy areas. Moreover, GM approaches born in one country have often been optimised through transnational cooperation. In all these different contexts, a wealth of tools have been generated that can help newcomers to GM avoid “reinventing the wheel” and having to go through lengthy developmental processes before taking action.
en   More and better jobs for women - EQUAL contributes to gender conscious employment policies and practices - 2005
EQUAL partnerships focused on gender equality good practices that can help to raise female employment rates. Successful approaches range from job creation in care and other growth sectors to introducing gender mainstreaming in employment policies and practices in local areas or even whole regions. In all these cases, cooperation with key players who are in a position to influence the transfer new approaches into mainstream provision was the most important strategy to be deployed. Those key players included not only employment offices and the responsible departments in local and regional governments, but also insertion companies and social economy enterprises that use public funding to help disadvantaged groups access the labour market. Moreover, agencies supporting small business creation and SMEs were often involved in the partnerships.
en   Widening career choices for women and men - EQUAL achievements in education and training - 2005
EQUAL good practices in overcoming the gender segregation in economic sectors and occupations made a valuable contribution to diversifying and improving the skills of the European workforce. In many countries, these good practices incorporated strategies to change the traditional gender-related attitudes not only of boys and girls and women and men, but also of key players such as teachers, trainers, career counsellors and the responsible political decision-makers. Those EQUAL approaches that stimulated most change are those which have integrated different elements of successful de-segregation policies.
en   Establishing a culture of gender equality in the business world - EQUAL supports employers and social partners to become agents of change - 2005 (ES-FR) - Updated version 2007 (EN)
In many Member States, EQUAL has paved the way for a new culture in companies and in the social dialogue that involves integrating a gender dimension, whilst at the same time generating business advantages in terms of improved productivity. This change process required a multifaceted approach to dismantling the gender gaps on the labour market. Activities developed helped to boost employment and career prospects for women and men. Other key elements of these approaches included work-life-balance programmes as part of future oriented personnel policies and strategies to overcome traditional gender attitudes and stereotypes.
en   Strengthening gender equality bodies and NGOs - EQUAL creates think-tanks, resource centres and networks - 2005
EQUAL partnerships have, particularly in southern countries, created and strengthened gender equality bodies and established fruitful cooperation with women’s associations and often also with other NGOs whose remit is not specifically? gender equality. Whilst most of these successful strategies were implemented at local and regional level, in some cases cooperation with national equal opportunities authorities has further enhanced both the visibility and dissemination of the new approaches.
en A job machine for women - EQUAL contributes to improving family services - 2004
EQUAL partnerships that focus on gender equality have developed good practices that can help to raise female employment rates. The creation of new care and other family support services has generated a double effect: jobs for unemployed women with no/low formal qualifications and labour market access for other women - unemployed or inactive - who previously could not seek gainful employment due to the lack of care services
en Tackling Gender Gaps = Tackling Skills Gaps - EQUAL contributions to European competitiveness - 2004
EQUAL demonstrated effective ways to tackle sectoral and occupational gender gaps are making a valuable contribution to diversifying and improving the skills of the European workforce. EQUAL approaches that showed particularly encouraging indications of bringing about change were those which have integrated different elements of successful de-segregation policies.
en Gendering the Use of Time - Territorial approaches to improve the articulation of work and private life - 2004
Time Bureaus or Agencies, created and/or strengthened by EQUAL, particularly in France, Italy and Spain, produced solutions to the dilemma of juggling conflicting pressures life times. EQUAL Time Agencies considerably improved the "time management" capacities of key players at local and regional level, and have proven to be an important asset to economic development and the involvement of citizens in shaping the future of their cities or regions.
en Farewell to the Male Breadwinner Model? - EQUAL strategies to dismantle traditional gender roles and stereotypes - 2004
EQUAL contributed to promoting equality in unpaid care and family work through strategies and concepts aimed at triggering change in role and task sharing between women and men of the present parent generation. In some Member States this was combined with strategies that addressed young people, and even children, in order to challenge stereotypes during those crucial stages when gender roles are being formed. Whilst many of those approaches targeted men in the first instance, a substantial number were also aimed at overcoming both the "breadwinner" and the "super woman" model. A variety of actions were tested and carefully monitored, the most successful of which are presented in this document.
en Holding a Job - Having a Life - EQUAL contributions to improving the work-life-balance of women and men - 2004
EQUAL developed good practices that made a visible difference for women and men who want both gainful employment and career, and a more satisfying family and personal life. Comprehensive work-life-balance policies enabled cultural change in companies and organisations that have committed themselves to implementing new flexible work organisation and various family support services
Background documents
en   Thematic reference framework
This document set the basis to prepare the work programme for the European Thematic Group on Equal Opportunities.
en Gender Equality in EQUAL 2003-2004: a summary
This document presents the main results of the activities of the European Thematic Group on Equal Opportunities (ETG 4) related to two of the themes of the EQUAL Community Initiative. These are Theme G - Reconciliation and Theme H - Desegregation. The activities were undertaken in 2003 and 2004 and led to the identification of the key components of policies and practices that can enable gender equality to become a reality in the lives of women and men.
  Living documents
The overall purpose of the European Thematic Group on Equal Opportunities (ETG 4) was to create and promote a European Model of Comprehensive Approaches to Equal Opportunities, in relation to the EQUAL Themes of Reconciliation and Desegregation. The Steering Group followed a methodological approach to its work, which was both process and output oriented - a “living document". This is a text that grows and develops over time, thanks to the contributions of committed workings groups and their continuing efforts to improve its quality during, and also before and after, their meetings. These documents report on the work of the European Thematic Group on Equal Opportunities on the following themes:
  • Reconciliation en
  • Desegregation en
  • Gender mainstreaming en
  • Transversal strategies en
The European Model of Comprehensive Approaches to Equal Opportunities
These documents present the work of the European Thematic Group on Equal Opportunities (ETG 4), and focused on the good practices developed by EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs) working on the themes of gender equality: desegregation, gender mainstreaming and the reconciliation of private and professional life for women and men.
Short Long  
en   Cross-border Cooperation on Gender equality - Experiences and Achievements of Transnational Partnerships - 2006
    en Transnationality boosts Gender Equality - Experiences and Achievements of Desegregation Partnerships - 2006
    en Cross-border Reconciliation in ETG 4 - Experiences and Achievements of Transnational Partnerships - 2006
en   A Single Labour Market for All - EQUAL promotes horizontal and vertical desegregation
    en Horizontal Desegregation
en   Improving the work-life-balance of women and men - EQUAL promotes social and cultural change
    en Family support - Care and service provision
    en Work-life Balance in companies and organisations
en   EQUAL as a Driving Force for Gender Mainstreaming
    en Gender Mainstreaming
    en Territorial approaches - Partnership - Empowerment
Practical examples of the work of Development Partnerships
Reconciling family and professional life
EQUAL DPs that focused on gender equality developed good practices that helped to facilitate reconciliation between the different spheres of an individual’s life. In many cases, DPs combined a number of activities that addressed the different obstacles to establishing a more satisfying work-life-balance. These included:
  • Creating more, and better, care services for children and other dependents;
  • Setting up family support services;
  • Developing flexible, family-friendly working time arrangements and other work-life-balance policies in public and private organisations;
  • Forging territorial alliances for reconciliation, in particular through harmonising the opening hours of local authorities, childcare facilities, schools, stores and service providers and relating them to the schedules of the public transport systems;
  • Enabling men and women to overcome traditional gender roles and stereotypes.
en     EU - Crossing borders between new and old Member States - 2007
en     FI - Well-being and equality at work - 2007
en     EE - Creating New Forms of Childcare - 2006
en     UKni - Playing with words in the West - 2006
en     BEnl - Children first and last - 2006
en   DE - Farewell to Mutti Land - 2006
en     EE - Children first and last - 2006
en     EE - We can make a difference - 2006
en     I T- Caring for senior citizens and releasing women's potential - 2006
en     EU - Strengthening EQUAL work-life-balance approaches through National Thematic Networks - NTN in France and Ireland - 2006
en     FR - Night and days - 7 days a week - 2006
en     LU - More and better childcare - 2006
en     LV - Creating a palliative care system for children - 2006
en     PT- Excellency in solidarity - 2006
en     AT - Against all odds - 2006
en     ES - Going flexible in and around Madrid - 2006
en     PL - Helping parents to escape the welfare trap - 2006
enen IT - Making the city a better place to live and work - 2005
enen NL - Men taking the lead - 2005
en   I T- Landmarks of Gender Equality - 2004
en   FR - Making Time Everybody's Business - 2004
en   PT- A life-line for the sandwich generation - 2004
en   FR - Experts in their own right - 2004
en   NL - Men taking the lead - 2004
en   ES - Maximising the use of time - 2004
en   UK - Improving geriatric care in Scotland - 2004
en   ES - Working miracles in rural Galicia - 2004
en   IE - Creating Win-Win Situations through Flexible Work Organisation - 2004
Reducing Gender Gaps and Desegregation
EQUAL DPs that worked on this theme amassed a wealth of new approaches to help both women and men develop their full potential. EQUAL’s concepts on overcoming traditional career choices and educating and training both women and men in areas where they are underrepresented offer a valuable contribution to European and national policies aimed at diversifying and improving the skills of the European workforce. In many countries, those good practices incorporated strategies to change traditional gender attitudes of boys and girls, women and men, and also those of key players such as teachers, trainers, career counsellors and political decision-makers. To promote vertical desegregation, the DPs helped women to enter management and middle management positions, developed strategies to open up senior management posts to women and increased the participation of women in decision-making in social partner organisations, local and regional development and politics. They also reinforced women’s role in economic development by supporting women’s business creation and entrepreneurship, particularly in sectors where female entrepreneurs were still in a minority.
en     EU - Transnationality – Driving positive change - 2007
en     EU - The transnational GM tool factory - 2007
en     EU - Teaming up for gender equality and diversity - 2007
en     EU - Crossing borders between new and old Member States - 2007
en     DE - Building bridges to develop female potential - 2006
en     AT - Dismantling the root causes of the Gender pay gap - 2006
en     SE - Conquering a new field - 2006
en     DK - New ways to female leadership - 2006
en     DK - Empowering women empowers the neighbourhood - 2006
en   SE - EQUAL goes to the Congo - 2006
en     EU - Combating gender gaps through gender mainstreaming and positive actions - National Thematic Networks in Austria and Finland - 2006
enen IT - Improving the gender balance in politics - 2005
enen UKgb - Set to make a difference - 2005
en   UK -  Equal Pay: 100%...sooner than later? - 2004
en   SE - Diversity as a strategy in facing the demographic challenge - 2004
en     PT - Trade unions and employers joining forces for equality - 2004
en   UK - How to mainstream gender equality and diversity in national training organisations - 2004
en   DE - Bridging gender gaps in the ICT sector - 2004
en   UK - Breaking occupational segregation benefits women and employers - 2004
en     DE - Equals in the Information Society - 2004
en   DK - Dismantling a myth - 2004
Gender mainstreaming
Across the EU, EQUAL Development Partnerships tried and tested a multitude of approaches to gender mainstreaming. These DPs found that the pathways that led from the decision to introduce GM to its actual implementation by the company or organisation varied, but they always incorporated a number of crucial steps. The first step involved a gender impact assessment of the chosen policy field and this procedure required gender disaggregated data that usually revealed gender gaps and discriminatory practices. From that basis, gender equality targets were formulated and action plans drawn up. The next stage involved the anticipation and analysis of obstacles that were most likely to hamper progress and a consideration of options that had the potential to reduce or remove the obstacles. Often this was followed by a SWOT analysis or another method that aimed to find the most realistic and viable solutions in terms of cost benefits, available time and organisational context. Implementation of the selected option was the next step, which in the most successful cases integrated the gender dimension into the management and control systems of the participating organisations. Last, but not least, effective monitoring and evaluation were key ingredients, which ensured an on-going improvement of gender equality performance.
en     EU - Stars for equality in business support - 2008
en     EU - An unusual gender mainstreaming alliance - 2008
en     PT - A mainstreaming journey in Portugal - 2008
en     EU - Learning for all and forever - 2007
en     EU - Crossing borders between new and old Member States - 2007
en     EU - Transnationality – Driving positive change - 2007
en     EU - Teaming up for gender equality and diversity - 2007
en     FI - Well-being and equality at work - 2007
en     DE - Gendering pre-vocational training - 2007
en     EU - The transnational GM tool factory - 2007
en     SE - Conquering a new field - 2006
en   SE - EQUAL goes to the Congo - 2006
en     EU - Combating gender gaps through gender mainstreaming and positive actions - National Thematic Networks in Austria and Finland - 2006
enen AT - Gender goes mainstream - 2005
enen DK - Overcoming gender blindness in careers guidance - 2005
en     PT - Trade unions and employers joining forces for equality - 2004
en   DE - Equals in the Information Society - 2004
en   AT - Gender goes mainstream - 2004