Facilitating Adaptability

The Development Partnerships (DPs) that were launched under the Adaptability Strand of EQUAL operated in two main fields of action:

  • Lifelong learning and inclusive work practices: Promoting lifelong learning and inclusive work practices which encourage the recruitment and retention of those suffering discrimination and inequality in connection with the labour market.
  • Adaptability to work: Supporting the adaptability of firms and employees to structural economic change and the use of information technology and other new technologies.

Increasing adaptability of workers, enterprises and entrepreneurs with a view to improving the anticipation and positive management of economic change (Article 3(1)a), as set out in Regulation No 1081/2006 on the European Social Fund1.

Subthemes identified:


Lifelong learning and increased investment in human resources by enterprises, especially SMEs, and workers

en     Handbook on Lifelong Learning (Handbook)
The purpose of this Handbook was to identify and disseminate good practice from the EQUAL Community Initiative in relation to lifelong learning issues. It formulates and presents clear and targeted policy and practice messages based on the experience of EQUAL and in relation to the implementation of lifelong learning within the ESF. It also draws together the experience from across the EU, facilitating the sharing of learning from one country to another. Finally, it includes information on other programmes, initiatives and actors at EU level, in order to facilitate synergies and avoid overlaps with other funding streams that support lifelong learning.
fr     Human Capital and Restructuring: a focus on SME investment  - 2007 (policy brief)
This paper focuses on the ways in which SMEs can be supported and encouraged to invest in the human capital of their workforce – particularly in sectors and regions dealing with the questions posed by industrial restructuring. It also highlights many of the answers proposed through experience from the EQUAL programme.
fr fr fr Making the most of Human Resources - EQUAL encourages SME employers to invest in human capital - 2005 (policy brief)
In the EU, employers rarely invest in human capital, because there are few economic incentives, legal obligations, social partners agreements or public sector funding for them to do so. From a small business perspective, investment in training is often considered to be risky at best - a waste of money, at worst. This position is reinforced by the lack of tailor-made and relevant training available for SMEs and their staff. Unlike large companies, SMEs do not benefit from the economy of scale, when creating tailor-made training for personnel, and from more evolved Human Resource Management systems. They are also in a weaker position when it comes to maintaining production or services when staff are absent to attend training courses. EQUAL addressed all of these problems by promoting demand-led systems for investment in human capital and lifelong learning.
en     National networks on Life long learning (Background document)
Under EQUAL, nine Member States set up National Thematic Networks focus on Lifelong learning. All national networks were invited to provide a general overview of their objectives, actions, results and outcomes through a survey that included all those responsible for networking at national level. This review helped the identification of four networks that seemed to have been particularly successful. This document summarises their experience and lessons learnt.
en fr   National networks on Life long learning (summary) (Background document summary)
fr     National network on Adaptation to change - "Cooperation Fund" Foundation - A laboratory of original and shared solutions (Background document)
This document presents the experience of the National Thematic Network on Adaptability set up in Poland. This network acted as discussion forum, a laboratory for new ideas and a place for collective learning.
en     Lifelong Learning - Background Paper (Background document)
This paper supported the Working Group "At the Interface of Lifelong Learning", which was part of the Adaptability European Thematic Group. The paper provides a summary of the key debates and European policy context and further detail on EQUAL activity under this theme.
en fr   Lifelong Learning - Summary Paper (Background document)
en fr   EQUAL@ Work Helping Employers and Employees Adapt to Change - Introductory Guide (Background document)
EQUAL @ Work was the European Thematic Group for Adaptability issues within the EQUAL Community Initiative. This Introductory guide explains the work of the ETC and present some of the lessons learnt from the first Round of EQUAL.
fr     Anticipating Change: Effective Approaches to Lifelong learning and Age Management conference background paper entitled "EQUAL: paving the way for lifelong learning and age management" (Event or activity report)
The main purpose of this report is to present the final results of the EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs) - in relation to lifelong learning and age management, with the view to informing the European policy agenda in these two areas. The report includes a description of the practical solutions developed by the DP. Furthermore these solutions and the associated experiences are ‘translated’ into a series of policy messages.
fr     Anticipating Change: Effective Approaches to Lifelong learning and Age Management Conference report, including the full conference programme, PowerPoint presentations and synopses of the workshop presenters (Event or activity report)
The Greek Ministry of Employment and Social Protection (Greek EQUAL Managing Authority) organised a European EQUAL conference entitled "Anticipating Change: effective approaches to lifelong learning and age management" in 2007. The overall aim of the conference was to disseminate the main policy and practice messages from the Adaptability pillar of EQUAL to European, national and regional actors – particularly those involved in the implementation of the new ESF (ESF actors). The purpose of this report is to present the key messages that emerged from the workshops and the main discussion topics, as well as summarise the keynote speeches of the opening and closing plenary sessions.
Practical examples of the work of Development Partnerships
fr     EUR - Better equipped for the future - 2007 (Case study)
fr     EUR – Green Legged Chickens Fly! - 2007 (Case study)
fr     IT - A 360 Degree View on Adaptability of Workers and Companies - 2007 (Case study)
fr     DE - Social + business = Munich Competent - 2006 (Case study)
fr     NL - Building Websites with a Social Dimension - 2007 (Case study)
fr     BEnl - Ensuring a Smooth Re-entry: Intro_DM - 2007 (Case study)
fr     HU - Accessibility Kills the Disability! - 2007 (Case study)
fr     NL - Current Demands and Future Opportunities : "Learning and Working" - 2007 (Case study)
fr     IE - Collaborating for Success - 2006 (Case study)
fr     AT - Austrian NTN: There is More to Skills than Meets the Eye - 2006 (Case study)
fr     CZ - Learning in the mountains of Krakonoš - 2006 (Case study)
fr     AT - Keep Moving in Austria, but Mind the Gap - 2006 (Case study)
frfr fr   FR - A new approach to transferring know-how - 2005 (Case study)
fr fr   UKgb - Growing networks for continuous learning - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   ES - Tackling employment problems in the informal economy - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   NL - Supporting entrepreneurs within the agriculture sector - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   IT - Supporting Integration of immigrants - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   BEfr - Supporting access to distance learning - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   SE - Open Learning in Sweden - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   BEfr - Equipping Ex-Offenders for Employment - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   UKgb - Engaging with the Local Community - 2004 (Case study)
fr fr   EL - Empowering People With Disabilities - 2004 (Case study)

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Development and implementation of systems and strategies, including apprenticeships, which ensure improved access to training by, in particular, low-skilled and older workers

fr     Handbook on Age Management (Handbook)
The purpose of this Handbook is to identify and disseminate good practice from the EQUAL Community Initiative in relation to age management issues. It is particularly aimed at helping readers to build on the experience and take forward the lessons of EQUAL. The Handbook formulates and presents clear and targeted policy and practice messages based on the experience of EQUAL and in relation to the implementation of age management within the ESF. It also draws together the experience from across the EU, facilitating the sharing of learning from one country to another. Finally, it includes information on other programmes, initiatives and actors at EU level active in age management issues, in order to facilitate synergies and avoid overlaps.
fr fr fr The Working Life Cycle - EQUAL develops new ways of approaching age management - 2007 (policy brief)
This document summarises the actions EQUAL Development Partnerships that are focused on age management. These partnerships have drawn upon a variety of methods and organisations to provide a holistic approach. The document sets out the key policy recommendations in this area.
fr     Background document: A European Age Management Network: the way forward? (Background document)
This document explores the idea of establishing a European Age Management Network built on the experience of the European Social Fund (ESF) EQUAL programme. The conclusions drawn from this paper indicate that here are good indications that a European Age Management Network provides a way forward. On the supply side, managing the challenge of demographic ageing is high on the EU policy agenda, with clear challenges and priorities in a number of areas. On the demand side, the EQUAL DPs provide a significant source of ideas and actions in the age management field, focusing on many of the EU challenges and priorities identified.
fr     Age Management - Background Paper (Background document)
The aim of this paper was to support the Working Group ‘Age Management’, which was part of the Adaptability European thematic Group. The paper summarises the key debates and European policy context in this area, and subsequently identifies the key actors that were to be involved in the Working Group. Further detail on EQUAL activity (DPs and TCAs) under this theme is also provided.
fr fr   Age Management - Summary Paper (Background document)
This paper outlines the key issues for the Working Group Age Management which was part of the EQUAL Adaptability European Thematic Group. Its purpose was to provide background information for the Age Management Working Group discussion at the first Liaison Group Meeting of the ETG that was held in France, March 31 to April 1.
fr     Reaching EU targets for the over 50s (Background document)
This document summarises the progress made to reach the target that was set out to increase the share of older workers in employment in 2001. The target was to increase the share of older workers in employment from an EU average of 40% to 50% by 2010. The document also notes the relevant lessons that were learnt and examples of good practice that can be drawn from EQUAL.
fr     Anticipating Change: Effective Approaches to Lifelong learning and Age Management conference background paper entitled "EQUAL: paving the way for lifelong learning and age management" (Event or activity report)
The main purpose of this report is to present the final results of the EQUAL Development Partnerships (DPs) - in relation to lifelong learning and age management, with the view to informing the European policy agenda in these two areas. The report includes a description of the practical solutions developed by the DP. Furthermore these solutions and the associated experiences are ‘translated’ into a series of policy messages.
fr     Anticipating Change: Effective Approaches to Lifelong learning and Age Management Conference report, including the full conference programme, PowerPoint presentations and synopses of the workshop presenters (Event or activity report)
The Greek Ministry of Employment and Social Protection (Greek EQUAL Managing Authority) organised a European EQUAL conference entitled "Anticipating Change: effective approaches to lifelong learning and age management" in 2007. The overall aim of the conference was to disseminate the main policy and practice messages from the Adaptability pillar of EQUAL to European, national and regional actors – particularly those involved in the implementation of the new ESF (ESF actors). The purpose of this report is to present the key messages that emerged from the workshops and the main discussion topics, as well as summarise the keynote speeches of the opening and closing plenary sessions.
fr     Competence 50+ – Age as an opportunity - European policy Forum - Göteborg - June 2007 First outcomes (Event or activity report)
The EQUAL Life Competence 50+ conference sought to contribute to the EU agenda on demographic change. The subject of the conference was the situation of people aged 50+, people whose experience, skills and active employment participation will play an increasingly important role in the labour market between now and 2050. This paper sets out the events of the conference and notes that the key finding was consensus to set up a European Age Management Network and the objectives of this network.
fr fr   Agora : The experience is capital - Paris - June 2005 - First outcomes (Event or activity report)
The Agora was held to explore solutions to the problems of low employment participation rates of the over 50s. At the event policy makers, businesses, social partners and representatives of institutions and territories were able to learn from the wealth of innovative and practical experience from EQUAL and to explore the possibilities for transferring solutions between countries to address common problems. This document outlines the four theme areas covered at the event.
fr     Overview article on Open Days 2008 age management workshop "EQUAL Responds to the Demographic Challenge" - 2008 (Report on Open days)
This document provides an outline of the presentation given by Ms. Helen Tubb (Principal Consultant at GHK). The presentation gave an overview of the European Social Fund (ESF) EQUAL Community Initiative and explained how the initiative addressed the theme of age management. A number of ‘key messages’ were highlighted that arose from the good practice of EQUAL-funded projects.
fr     Overview article "Regions Active in Discussing Active Ageing" - 2007 (Report on Open days)
This paper summarises the events of the "Active ageing: Regional responses to the demographic challenge" workshop. The workshop consisted of presentations on Active Ageing on the European scene, activities funded by the EQUAL Community Initiative and examples of EQUAL projects developing successful age management solutions in the European regions. The paper sets out the content of the different presentations and discusses the key messages that emerged as a result.
fr     EQUAL Partnerships Share Their Good Practice in Age Management with the European Regions : Regions for Economic Change conference - 2008 (Report on Regions for Economic Change conference)
This article presents the main points and outcomes of the "Regions For Economic Change – Sharing Excellence," conference and in particular the outcomes of the workshop on "demographic challenges" that was held at the conference.
en fr   Building strength among EQUALs - Peer review in Poland - Autmn 2006 (Report on a Peer review)
This document summarises the events of the ‘Adaptability Peer Review’ organised by the Polish EQUAL Managing Authority on 3-4 October 2006. The aim of the peer review was to provide the participating Development Partnerships (DPs) with the opportunity to exchange their experiences and examples of good practice.
Practical examples of the work of Development Partnerships
en     EUR - A 'WISER' approach to age management - 2007 (Case study)
en     EUR - Age Alliance - Coming together for older workers - 2007 (Case study)
en fr   FR - Never too old to build a future - 2005
en     DE - Forging new ways of thinking - 2005
en     FR - A European Guide for Age Management and the Second Career Life - 2007
en     SE - Finding What You Never Lost: Competence 50+ - 2007
en     EL - Making the Active Ageing a Reality in Greece - 2007
en     BEnl - Crossing Institutional Borders to Promote Age Management - 2007
en     PL - Alliance for Work - 2006
en fr   EUR - AGORA project description briefs
en fr   FR - Widening skills in the audio visual sector - 2004
en fr   BEnl - Promoting SME employment diversity in Antwerp - 2004
en fr   DE - Employing more older people in Germany - 2004
en fr   FI - Finnish Companies Adapting to Change - 2004
en fr   FI - Increasing shipyard competitiveness by maintaining the workforce - 2004
en fr   FR - Transfer of knowledge in the Rhone-Alpes - 2004
en fr   FR - Valuing skills in the care sector - 2004
en fr   ES - New Skills in the Publishing Sector - 2004
en fr   IE - Human Resource Professionals Tackling Discrimination - 2004
en fr   SE - Supporting integration into the labour - 2004
en fr   DE - Addressing Workforce Development in SMEs - 2004

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Development of qualifications and competences as well as the identification of future occupational and skills requirements (includes validation of skills)

en fr fr Empowering & motivating - EQUAL validates non-formal and informal workplace learning- 2005 (policy brief)
This brief focuses on the EQUAL experience on validation of non-formal and workplace learning. The EQUAL programme has shown some achievements on this area due to its distinctive features such as focus on disadvantaged groups, strong partnership approach and learning from transnational partners. Validation is a powerful tool to harness existing skills and competences of individuals, contributing to their personal development, improvement of human capital in firms, and making people more employable in the labour market.
en     Validation and Accreditation -Background Paper (Background document)
This paper supported the cross cutting issue of ‘Validation’, which was examined by the Adaptability European Thematic Group (ETG). The paper supported the two Working Groups ‘ At the Interface of Lifelong Learning’ and ‘ Challenging Discrimination Throughout Working Life and Age Management Policies’. Both was part of the Adaptability ETG: Equal @ Work. The paper summarises the key debates and European policy context and identifies key actors in the field.
Practical examples of the work of Development Partnerships
enen fr   UKgb - Investing in local communities for a better future - 2005 (Case study)
enen fr   IE - Changing systems, changing lives  - 2005 (Case study)
enen fr   EL - Validating skills from a distance - 2005 (Case study)

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Dissemination of information and communication technologies, e-learning

en fr fr Bridging the digital divide - EQUAL adapts workforce to the knowledge society - 2007 (policy brief)
This paper focuses on the successful integration of ICT into education and training systems as a main concern of EU leaders and a policy priority for eEurope 2005. The paper summarises the wide range of practice within the EQUAL programme that supports the development of policy and practice in addressing the integration of ICT.
en fr   A catalyst for Change and Innovation - An overview of the EU Elearning conference - September 2006 (Background document)
This paper summarises the events of the European elearning Conference ‘Technology Enhanced Learning – Catalyst for Change and Innovation’ its aim was to examine questions such as how technologies can effectively support innovation in education and training.
en fr   A catalyst for Change and Innovation - Key messages from the EU Elearning conference - September 2006(Background document)
This article presents the key messages and issues from the Conference ‘Technology Enhanced Learning – Catalyst for Change and Innovation’. The messages and issues that emerged from the conference are put in the context of the general EU policy debate on elearning and Lifelong Learning (LL) themes addressed by EQUAL.
en     National networks on Adaptation to change and ICT (Background document)
This document summarises the actions of the National Thematic Networks (NTNs) set up in 12 Member States. These NTNs all shared a common purpose: to bring together EQUAL projects that have sought to combat discrimination through workplace adaptability and the use of ICT, with individuals at local, regional and national level who are interested in learning from this project activity. The success of the NTNs and the stories of individual networks are set out in this paper.
en fr   National networks on Adaptation to change and ICT (summary) (Background document)
This document is an overview of the National Thematic Networks (NTNs), their successes and the lessons learnt in the process of establishing the individual networks.
en     Validation and Accreditation -Background Paper (Background document)
This paper supports the cross cutting issue of ‘Validation’, which is being examined by the Adaptability European Thematic Group (ETG). The paper supports the two Working Groups ‘At the Interface of Lifelong Learning’ and ‘Challenging Discrimination Throughout Working Life and Age Management Policies’. Both are part of the Adaptability ETG: Equal @ Work. The paper has two sections, a summary of key debates and European policy context and the key actors to be involved in the Working Group.
en fr   Building strength among EQUALs - Peer review in Poland - Autmn 2006 (Report on a Peer review)
This document summarises the events of the ‘Adaptability Peer Review’ organised by the Polish EQUAL Managing Authority on 3-4 October 2006. The aim of the peer review was to provide the participating Development Partnerships (DPs) with the opportunity to exchange their experiences and examples of good practice.
Practical examples of the work of Development Partnerships
en     EUR - Vit@l society - 2007 (Case study)
en     SK - Your Home – Your Enterprise in E-urope - 2007 (Case study)

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Design and dissemination of innovative and more productive forms of work organisation, including better health and safety at work

en fr   The role of EQUAL in creating successful flexicurity pathways - November 2007 (Background document)
EQUAL projects provided a test bed for new ideas in the implementation of different flexicurity pathways. As with mainstream labour market and social policies, they demonstrated that there can be no "one size fits all approach", and are equally testament to the importance of involving strong networks of key stakeholders in the implementation of successful actions. This document summarises the main lessons from their work.
en fr   Building strength among EQUALs - Peer review in Poland - Autmn 2006 (Report on a Peer review)
The ‘Adaptability Peer Review’ organised by the Polish EQUAL Managing Authority on 3-4 October 2006 was specifically conceived to provide the participating Development Partnerships (DPs) with the opportunity to exchange their experiences and examples of good practice.
Practical examples of the work of Development Partnerships
en     UKgb - A new balancing act: work, life and other challenges! - 2006 (Case study)

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Development of specific employment, training and support services, including outplacement, for workers in the context of company and sector restructuring

fr     Handbook on Restructuring (Handbook)
The purpose of this Handbook is to identify and disseminate good practice from the EQUAL Community Initiative in relation to restructuring. It is particularly aimed at helping readers to build on the experience and take forward the lessons of EQUAL. The Handbook formulates and presents clear and targeted policy and practice messages based on the experience of EQUAL and in relation to the implementation of age management within the ESF. It also draws together the experience from across the EU, facilitating the sharing of learning from one country to another. Finally, it includes information on other programmes, initiatives and actors at EU level dealing with restructuring, in order to facilitate synergies and avoid overlaps.
en fr fr Crossing the generations - EQUAL supports integenerational learning to balance the workplace- 2005 (policy brief)
Intergenerational learning is a "win-win" situation for workers, companies and the economy. Employees learn to value their own skills by exchanging them and become motivated to develop their careers and work for longer. Employers benefit from better motivated and more efficient staff that apply all their skills within the company. Improved awareness of existing skills enables efficient investment in skill development that can promote competitive advantages to the benefit of the company and the growth of the economy. A number of EQUAL DPs have addressed the issue of intergeneration learning. This brief summarises some of the lessons learnt.
en     Emerging lessons and insights on Restructuring (Background document)
The purpose of this paper is to introduce the clear synergy between EQUAL and restructuring as an issue. Its principal aim is to give an overview of some of the main issues and developments, particularly at the EU level, relating to the anticipation and management of change. Through this overview, it also seeks to explain and present the relevance of EQUAL, including a selection of illustrative examples. The paper is not intended to be a definitive statement on the subject, but a starting point for more detailed analysis and discussion on the potential contributions from EQUAL to restructuring policies and measures at EU level now and in the future.
en     Restructuring: curse or remedy? (Background document)
The opening-up of economies to international competition, technological innovation, major shifts in consumer demand due to, amongst other things, the new needs of an ageing population, greater sensitivity to environmental issues, and changes to the demography of world are just some of the issues that are providing impetus for restructuring measures. The experience of the EQUAL Initiative provides some valuable answers and insights into these very challenges. In particular, EQUAL’s focus on the employability and adaptability of the European labour market, combined with its scope for experimentation and collaboration, meant that it was an ideal testing ground for innovation and good practice in the area of restructuring.
en fr   CEDEFOP conference on Guidance for Workforce Development - Thessaloniki - June 2007 - Presentation of EQUAL experience (Event or activity report)
At CEDEFOP conference on Guidance for Workforce Development, held in Thessaloniki on 25/26 June 2007, the EQUAL programme had the opportunity to present its experience of socially responsible restructuring, addressing the needs of individuals as well as the regions and localities.
en fr   CEDEFOP conference on Guidance for Workforce Development - Thessaloniki - June 2007 - Report on the conference (Event or activity report)
A conference on Guidance for Workforce Development, held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 25/26 June 2007 and organised by CEDEFOP< discussed the changing paradigm for guidance services. While career guidance has in the past largely been reserved for labour market entrants and re-entrants (e.g. following a period of unemployment), changing economic, technological and demographic trends mean that ongoing career guidance, development and lifelong learning are increasingly vital for all of us if we are to face the challenges of economic change and restructuring. Innovative approaches developed by the EQUAL programme were presented at the conference alongside governmental, social partner and company-level initiatives. The overall aim of these presentations was to show how guidance can be brought closer to the workplace as a tool for preventing – or at least limiting – the negative impact of restructuring on individuals by allowing individuals to plan their careers and skills development pro-actively and on an ongoing basis. This report summarises these contributions.
en     Overview article "EQUAL Lessons in Rural and Urban Restructuring" (November 2007) on the 5th OPEN DAYS-European Week of Regions and Cities (Report on Open days)
Hosted by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission's Regional Policy Directorate General (DG), the 5th OPEN DAYS-European Week of Regions and Cities featured solutions in proactive restructuring of rural and urban regions developed by EQUAL projects. The presentations of projects were preceded by a general introduction on how the projects financed by the EQUAL programme tackle the issue of restructuring and what good practice examples as well as lessons EQUAL can provide for the people allocating and receiving financing from European Social Fund (ESF) in the future.
en     Adapting to Change Across the European Regions - 2008 (Report on Regions for Economic Change conference)
On 25 and 26 February 2008, regional representatives gathered in Brussels to exchange ideas on how to support sustainable development, competitiveness, and knowledge-based regional economies. This gathering, called "Regions For Economic Change – Sharing Excellence," formed the second annual spring conference organised jointly by DG Regional Policy and the Committee of the Regions under the "Regions for Economic Change" Initiative. The EQUAL programme contributed to this exchange through two workshops On "Adapting enterprises and their workers to the challenges of globalisation" and "Working together to address demographic challenges."
en     The Forum on SME Adaptation to Change: The Main Discussion Points and Conclusions - 2007 (Reports on Restructuring Forums)
The "Restructuring" Forum "Adaptation of SMEs to change" was held on November 26 and 27 2007 in Brussels. It brought together the European institutions, governments, cross industry and sectoral social partners, academic experts, promoters of good practices, business support providers such as chambers of commerce and industry, regional development agencies and the European Business and Innovation Centres. These actors discussed the specific challenges that restructuring can pose for SMEs. The Forum also highlighted the opportunities that may stem from restructuring if it is well managed and created a platform for the exchange and discussion of best practices in SME adaptation to change.
en     Overview article "Silent Restructuring Exposed by the Forum" with FR translation (November 2007) on the 26 and 27 November 2007 "Restructuring" Forum "Adaptation of SMEs to change" held in Brussels. (Reports on Restructuring Forums)
en fr   Overview article "Restructuring - the Role of Dynamic Regions!" (January 2007) on the 3rd Restructuring Forum meeting How dynamic regions face restructuring and the role of the European Social Fund and other Structural Funds held 4/5 December 2006 (Reports on Restructuring Forums)
On 4 and 5 December 2006 the Restructuring Forum met in Brussels, uniting around 400 regional and local leaders, social partners, national representatives and senior European Union (EU) officials in a discussion on how Europe's regions can make best use of EU funding to adapt to economic change. Under the working title "How dynamic regions face restructuring and the role of the European Social Fund and other Structural Funds", this third meeting of the Forum looked in particular at restructuring from a territorial perspective and the crucial role played by the European Social Fund (ESF) and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in supporting these developments.
en     "Summary Document on the Third Restructuring Forum Meeting" - 2006 (Reports on Restructuring Forums)
en fr   About the film "Where you're going" - January 2007 (Reports on Restructuring Forums)
The Article 6 project Regional Key Competencies – A Way to Manage Structural Changes focused on analysing the features of the critical economic and social situation in the Belgian province of Liège , and developed and tested an innovative tool called the "Regional Signal Panel" (RSP). Moreover, the project has disseminated the outcomes and achievements of its work by creating and presenting an interesting film, a film that shows the real lives of workers made redundant from the Liège-based aluminium company, Eurofoil. This article focuses on the project and its outputs.
en fr   EQUAL and ESF Article 6: Innovative and Social Responsible Restructuring - December 2006 - publication developed for the 3rd Restructuring Forum (Reports on Restructuring Forums)
The paper presents the successes and insights of the European Social Fund (ESF) EQUAL and Article 6 programmes in relation to restructuring. It has been prepared by the contracted experts for the Adaptability pillar of the EQUAL programme. It will be of particular interest to European, national and regional organisations involved in formulating policy and/or devising initiatives in support of innovative and socially responsible restructuring, especially within the framework of the new ESF (2007 – 2013).
en     Summary Document (December 2007) on the main discussion points and conclusions of the above mentioned 'Restructuring Forum' (Reports on Restructuring Forums)
en fr   Building strength among EQUALs - Peer review in Poland - Autmn 2006 (Report on a Peer review)
This document summarises the events of the ‘Adaptability Peer Review’ organised by the Polish EQUAL Managing Authority on 3-4 October 2006. The aim of the peer review was to provide the participating Development Partnerships (DPs) with the opportunity to exchange their experiences and examples of good practice.
en     Overview article "Innovative Approaches to the Management of Change" (March 2007) describes a two-day seminar with the same name organised DG EMPL on 23-24 October 2006 on the Article 6 projects (Report)
This summary document presents the main issues that were discussed during the ESF Article 6 seminar "Innovative Approaches to the Management of Change" on 23-24 October 2006. The seminar aimed to take stock of the results achieved by the Article 6 projects implemented since 2004, and to discuss the best ways of transferring and disseminating the innovative approaches developed by these projects within the context of the future programming period and the new Structural Funds. This transfer of experience at the national level was seen as particularly important since Member States are having greater responsibility in the management of the Structural Funds from 2007.
Practical examples of the work of Development Partnerships
en     EUR - Sailing through working life - 2007 (Case study)
en     BEfr - Linking the Past with the Present: Old and New Solutions for Redundant Workers in Wallonia - 2007
en     ES - A Driving Motor for change in Cantabria - 2006
en     PT - The Portuguese automotive industry moving up a gear - 2006
en     FI - Making a Change a Chance - 2006 (Case study)
enen fr   BEfr - Tackling redundancies - coaching the players - 2005 (Case study)
enen fr   PT - The sea is the limit - 2005
en     ES - A new chapter in the Book industry - 2005

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1 REGULATION (EC) No 1081/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 5 July 2006. See in particular "Article 3 – Scope of assistance" for more details on these thematic priorities.