Increasing Employability

The Development Partnerships (DPs) that were launched under the Employability Strand of EQUAL operated in two main fields of action:

  • Facilitating access: Facilitating access and return to the labour market for those who have difficulty in being integrated or re-integrated into a labour market which must be open to all.
  • Combating racism: Combating racism and xenophobia in relation to the labour market.

All the documents and material on EQUAL approaches and outcomes have been grouped under the following thematic priority headings that are set out in Regulation No 1081/2006 on the European Social Fund1:

1 REGULATION (EC) No 1081/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 5 July 2006. See in particular "Article 3 – Scope of assistance" for more details on these thematic priorities.