
“The other side of the picture” wins 2010 European Year Special Award in Košice

Golden beggar statue Kosice

Driss Haddane and Tony Bocazou, directors of the film “The other side of the picture” (L’envers du décors) won the special 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion award at the 16th International Film Festival of Local Television in Košice, Slovakia.

The International Film Festival jury selected “The other side of the picture” as the winner of the Special 2010 European Year Award. The European Commission Representative, Peter Zsapka, handed the winners, Driss Haddane and Tony Bocazou, a 2010 European Year Sculpture, a 1500€ prize, and an award certificate from the European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, Lázló Andor.

The Commissioner stated that “The power of the media should be used to its full potential to raise awareness about poverty and social exclusion in the EU. Initiatives such as the International Film Festival are key in this process. ”

As this year is the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion, the festival highlighted the role independent media have in combating poverty and social exclusion, and dedicated a panel session to this topic. At the session, local media and stakeholders discussed how they can play a crucial role in helping to tackle poverty and exclusion, and act as a catalyst for social inclusion.

The film

“The other side of the picture”, tells the story of two young North African men, living in Saint-Denis, a notorious suburb in Paris. Reports generally show life-long habits of crime and delinquency, this film however looks into the very ordinary personal lives of the inhabitants of Saint-Denis, often on the margins of society.