
Malta launches the 2010 European Year: Stop Poverty Now!

Launch of 2010 European Year in Malta

On the 3rd February, Malta launched the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion with an inaugural conference at the Grand Salon of the Auberge de Provence, in Valletta.  It was presided by the President of Malta, H.E. Dr. George Abela.

The Minister for Social Policy, the Hon. John Dalli, introduced the conference, while Ms. Sina Bugeja, Chief Executive Officer of the Foundation for Welfare Services, chaired. Presentations were carried out by Dr. Marios Camhis, Acting Head of the European Commission Representation in Malta, Ms. Irene Schembri and Mr. Leonid McKay, President and Vice President of Anti-Poverty Forum (Malta).

This National Launch was closed by Mr. Francis Borg, head of the National Implementing Body and Permanent Secretary of the Ministry for Social Policy.