
The Media has a crucial role to play in combating poverty

Camera filming EU flags

For the first time, a seminar with more than 60 journalists from European, national and regional media from across Europe is organised in Brussels by the European Commission. The theme is: how communication and media coverage can play a crucial role in the fight against poverty and stereotyping.

The seminar focuses primarily on poverty reporting through a series of workshops: one on 'how journalists and people experiencing poverty can learn from each other' given by ATD Fourth World and another on 'reporting poverty – a practical guide for journalists' given by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (UK). One of the objectives of this seminar is to initiate work between peers, identify good practice, share personal experience as well as create synergies between the press and stakeholders. All participants have the opportunity to visit various centres and interview grass-root practitioners involved in different projects. The projects aim to combat poverty by helping people experiencing poverty to express themselves, to find a way to reintegrate society and to escape the vicious poverty circle in which they find themselves.

Both the media and NGOs have important roles to play in increasing awareness as well as generating new impetus in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. The European Commission is keen to listen to their views on how to fight stereotyping and preconceptions about poverty and social exclusion.

Media and communication professionals have a crucial role to play in making the “2010 European Year against poverty” a success.

The Press release