
Poverty in Europe: Can you picture the way out? Winners of the film competition

Poverty in Europe competition poster

The winners of the 60 second film competition Poverty in Europe: Can you picture the way out? organised by the European People's Party and its Group in the Committee of the Regions were announced as part of its activities to involve citizens in the debate surrounding the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.

1st prize Future possible from Leona Kunayovaj (Czech Republic)
2nd prize It's possible  from Kostas Karydas (Greece)
3rd prize Something Less from Máté Pálla (Hungary) 
The competition was open to young film-makers between the ages of 15 and 30 aimed to give citizens from across the EU the chance to show they think about the European Union and its policies on poverty.

See the winning films and 7 more that were highly commended by the jury on the competition website

A screening of the winning films will take place in Brussels, at the Committee of the Regions on 1st December.

Invitation to the screening

Associated links