
Conference on Child Poverty: Paving the way for a Commission recommendation

Children playing © European Commission

20 million out of the 100 million children and young people aged 0-18 in Europe are at risk of poverty. Fighting child poverty is one of the priorities of the Belgian Presidency of the European Union.

The Presidency is organising a conference on Child poverty on 2 and 3 September: Who cares? Roadmap for a recommendation to fight poverty.

The Conference is taking place in the context of the Europe 2020 Strategy, which sets numbered objectives for the EU, one of which is poverty reduction. The aim is to lift 20 million people out of poverty by 2020.

On the 2-3 September 2010, decision-makers, policy makers, practitioners, experts and children and parents with experience of poverty will meet, and the conclusions will contribute to the preparation of a European Commission Recommendation on Child Poverty. The three main topics that will be under discussion will be:

  1. Adequate resources: ensuring that children grow up in families with sufficient resources to meet their essential needs. This session will include discussions on:
    • Income and benefits
    • Reconciling employment and family life
  2. Access to quality services: ensuring that children, while growing up, have access to the services and opportunities that will enhance their present and future well-being and enable them to reach their full potential, with particular attention to the most vulnerable children. This session will include discussions on:
    • Early childhood
    • Education, with a special attention to Roma children
    • Health care
    • Environment/Housing
    • Child Protection and Social Services
  3. Participation: promoting the active participation of children and young people. This session will include discussions on:
    • Children’s right to be heard
    • Children’s participation in social, cultural, recreational, sporting and civic activities