
Fashion & Design - Second Hand Second Life

Belgian Presidency logo

An exhibition of second hand clothes recycled by designers from 01 July to 31 December 2010

For the occasion of the Belgian EU presidency, famous fashion designers have designed silhouettes with clothing donated from the Spullenhulp/Petits Riens depot, a charity that collects old objects for the benefit of social projects. This initiative highlights the European Year 2010 for combating poverty and social exclusion. Alongside the silhouettes that can be admired throughout the whole Council Building, there is also a photography exhibition on "the making of" of the designs.

The exhibition shows 11 creations from Belgian fashion designers and 6 pieces of furniture designed by Belgian artists. These artistic creations were presented during the annual Spullenhulp vzw fashion parade, where second-hand objects, clothing and furniture were selected by various Belgian designers to conjure up a unique ‘recycled’ creation. As well as highlighting poverty and social exclusion, the exhibition also places creative and young Belgian talent under the spotlight.

"Fashion & Design - Second Hand Second Life" is taking place in the Justus Lipsius building at the Council of the European Union in Brussels from 1 July 2010 until 31 December 2010. The organisation is a collective initiative from Flanders, the French-speaking Community and the German-speaking Community, in cooperation with Spullenhulp / Petits-Riens.

Spullenhulp/Petits-Riens is a non-profit organisation that redistributes collected second-hand objects or sells them at low prices, to finance social projects. These projects provide help for homeless people and families in need or poverty. This charity has ben active for over 70 years, not just with material help but also with relief, supervision, staffing, training, administrative or psychological help – depending on people’s needs and requirements. Their objective is clear: to help people who ask for help, so that they can regain control of their life and take their place in society once and for all.