
Laying the Foundations for a Fairer Europe, Ensuring Adequate Minimum Income Schemes

From 23/09 to 25/06

Conference focusing on 'Laying the Foundations for a Fairer Europe, Ensuring Adequate Minimum Income Schemes' organised in partnership between EAPN, the Belgian Presidency and the Belgian Anti Poverty Network.

Aims of the conference

Starting from the experiences of people living on a minimum income, the conference will engage in a timely review of the role of minimum income in promoting a better life for all, and review the progress made, in the context of the European Year against Poverty and Social Exclusion. The aim is to press for concrete proposals which can ensure an adequate minimum income as a lasting legacy from the 2010 year that will directly impact on the lives of the 84 million people in poverty in the EU. Such proposals could include the proposal for a Framework EU directive on Minimum Income which
would mark a historic step forward in EU cooperation to achieve a high level of social standards in the EU, in the context of the new Treaty.


  • Highlight the reality of living on a minimum income for people in poverty and thesocial and economic impact of ensuring an adequate income.
  • Carry out a stocktaking of progress on guaranteeing adequacy and on follow up to the Active Inclusion Recommendation.
  • Exchange experiences on positive examples and methods of establishing adequacy, as well as alternative approaches to financing.
  •  Identify recommendations on how to advance EU cooperation to ensure adequate minimum income, linked to a political declaration for the year and commitments under the Hungarian Presidency.