
European Commission Digital

The eInvoicing community shares user experiences at CEF webinar

CEF eInvoicing held a webinar on 'Learn from other countries' eInvoicing implementations' on Thursday, 4 October 2018. The webinar was a follow-up on the eInvoicing event held in Brussels on 29 May 2018.

During the webinar three countries, the Netherlands, Scotland and Norway, presented their national approach to promote and support the implementation of Directive 2015/55/EU. Throughout the webinar participants were able to learn about each implementation approach and ask questions. Hearing other Member States' eInvoicing implementation journey and how reusing CEF eInvoicing services can simplify their journey to implement eInvoicing is meant to inspire fellow Member States to implement eInvoicing. In addition, the webinar reinforced that the CEF eInvoicing community is a source of information and place to exchange expertise and experience on how to implement the Directive successfully.

With 195 days remaining until the eInvoicing deadline on 18 April, 2018, the eInvoicing community is working closely together to implement the Directive across Europe to realize the Digital Single Market.

Read Scotland's Success Story

Read the Dutch Success Story

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The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) supports multiple digital infrastructure projects which contribute to improvements in the daily lives of Europeans through digital inclusion, the connectivity and interoperability of European digital services, and the development of a Digital Single Market.