
European Commission Digital

Consultation on 2019 CEF eDelivery Roadmaps

The European Commission is happy to announce that the detailed 2019 Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) eDelivery roadmaps are open for consultation and comments. The consultation closes on 18 October 2018.

CEF eDelivery is based on a distributed model called the “4-corner model”. In this model, the back-end systems of the users don’t exchange data directly with each other but do this through Access Points. These Access Points are conformant to the same technical specifications and therefore capable of communicating with each other. As a result of this, users adopting CEF eDelivery can easily and safely exchange data even if their IT systems were developed independently from each other.

CEF eDelivery provides a sample Access Point implementation called Domibus.

Please find below the respective roadmaps for Domibus and Service Metadata Publisher (SMP) and Service Metadata Locator (SML).

Comments can be submitted on the consultation page by 18 October 2018.