
European Commission Digital

CEF eDelivery and eInvoicing workshop at the Danish Business Authority


What does digital invoicing and infrastructure of the future look like?

That was the question the Danish Business Authority, a part of the Danish Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, addressed at the CEF Building Block information session for private and public entities in Copenhagen, Denmark on 11 October 2018.

Two representatives from the European Commission travelled to Copenhagen to present the CEF Building Blocks and to share what services the Commission offers to the Member States to realize the Digital Single Market.

Joao Rodrigues Frade, Ole Ellerbæk Madsen and Maarten Daniels 

Joao Rodrigues Frade, Head of sector digital Building Blocks at the European Commission, presented CEF and the two Building Blocks eDelivery and eInvoicing to the attendees.

While presenting the eDelivery AS4 profile, Joao focused on the similarities with the PEPPOL AS4 profile and the benefits of using AS4.

“I’m delighted to have been invited to this event to share how CEF Building Blocks help public and private entities deliver digital services faster. They are built on open source standards and specifications, enabling anyone to use them. “

Joao Rodrigues Frade

While Maarten Daniels, on the other hand, presented the CEF services, including the Conformance Testing offered by CEF eInvoicing and eDelivery. He demonstrated how the services can benefit public and private entities.

The CEF eInvoicing Conformance testing service allows users to check the compliance of their eInvoicing solution against the standard in a specific syntax: ISO/IEC 19845:2015 (UBL 2.1) or UN/CEFAC CII.

On the other hand, The CEF eDelivery Conformance Testing service verifies the developed and or implemented software package conforms to the relevant CEF eDelivery specifications.

CEF eDelivery testing allows services and software providers to verify that a CEF eDelivery Access Point and SMP specifications implementation conform to the relevant CEF eDelivery specifications.

Maarten further highlighted the benefits of developing and using solutions conformant to CEF eDelivery specifications, from both vendors and clients’ perspective, such as getting additional quality assurance and increased interoperability with other implementations.

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