
European Commission Digital

CEF at the Trust Services Forum 

On 23 and 24 October 2018, the European Commission presented an update of the Connecting Europe Facility building blocks at the fourth Trust Services Forum in Berlin, Germany.

This forum, organised by the European Union Agency for Network and Information System (ENISA), focused on the major issues related to Trust Services across Europe, including:

  • Trust Services in the proposed regulatory framework for certification
  • eIDAS compliant audits
  • Latest developments in the framework surrounding trust service providers, including standards, implementing acts and technical guidelines
  • Implementation and operational issues of Qualified Trust Services
  • Strategies to promote the adoption of Qualified Trust Services

 Anders Gjoen, DG CNCT, presented the CEF Building Blocks, focusing on eDelivery and eSignature, and the services CEF offers to help public authorities on their digitalisation journey to realise a Digital Single Market in Europe.

This event was well attended. Our presence and presentation on the latest updates on the eIDAS regulation and the CEF programme was well received."

Anders Gjoen


the European Commision

Following the forum, the Bundesdruckerei/D-TRUST, in cooperation with TÜViT held the tenth CA-Day on the subject of "TSP Compliance Info Day on eIDAS, ETSI and CA/B-Forum Requirements".

The Trust Services Forum was a great platform for the European Commission to share how CEF contributes to the ongoing digitalisation journey of public authorities across Europe.

Learn more about the CEF building blocks 

More news from CEF Digital 2018

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