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Q4 2023, Upcoming Once-Only Events and Milestones 

13 November 2023 | 9 minutes read


By 12 December 2023, EU Member States must implement the Once-Only Technical System, as mandated in the Single Digital Gateway Regulation ((EU)2018/1724).

Throughout the year, national implementers from the Member States have come together in a number of events, including a series of Once-Only Projectathons. These Projectathons were large-scale testing marathons where participants tested key aspects of Europe’s Once-Only architecture. These events have clearly demonstrated the commitment of EU countries to realise the Once-Only Technical System, creating a single market that is truly fit for the digital age.

The Once-Only Technical System lets EU public authorities securely exchange official documents and data at the request of citizens and businesses as part of cross-border administrative procedures, e.g., when registering an address or vehicle when moving abroad. The Once-Only Technical System ultimately means that citizens and businesses will no longer need to do the work to figure out what the matching evidence is in another Member State and which authentic data source can provide it.

Below is an overview of the upcoming events the European Commission is organising in the final months of 2023 in the run-up to the 12 December legal deadline.

Key milestones in 2023

21 November

Meeting of the EUDI & OOTS Contact Group to discuss the interim report

Online 21 November

The Contact Group will be discussing the final draft of the Interim Report of the synergies between the Once-Only Technical System and the EUID wallet before it will be finalised, aiming at its publication early next year.

In case you are interested to participate in this meeting, please feel free to send us an email by Friday, 17 November.

Contact us

23 November

Forum for Citizens and Students

Onsite focus group for a selected group of citizens who have first-hand experience in administrative procedures related to either moving and/or studying abroad.

Onsite 23 November Already fully booked

See event

01 December

Forum for Students and Recent Graduates

Online 01 December Registrations are still open

Online event for a selected group of students and recent graduates who have first-hand experience in administrative procedures related to studying abroad.

We would encourage you to promote this event in your Member State.

See event

05 December

Common Services data to be migrated to the production environment in draft

The Once-Only technical team will move the data in the Acceptance environment of the Common Services to the Production environment in draft mode (i.e. not yet publicly available). Once in the live environment, Member States will be responsible for its approval and publication (i.e. to make it available to all other Member States).

To access the production environment your National Coordinator will need to be registered to the dashboard.

Everyone else will be registered via their National Coordinator. In case of questions, please contact us.

Contact us

11 & 12 December

Go-live Accelerator Event

Hybrid 11 & 12 December Registrations are still open

This event is a unique opportunity for Member-States to benefit from direct support by the Once-Only teams before the go-live. The event will be split in a training session and the following transition checks:

  • support the transition of eDelivery Access Points (APs) to production mode:
    - registration of APs Production Certificates
    - final AP go-live tests
  • help connecting to the Common Services
  • looking at Preview Areas and their transition to production

These checks will help you and your teams to mitigate risks, identify and immediately fix potential issues, ensuring a smoother transition to the live/ PROD environment. We would like to highlight that the main objective of this track is to give you the opportunity to investigate your specific challenges before going-live and to be able to test specific scenarios together with other Member States. This can be done using the environment (PROD, ACC or similar), that is most suited to the test you would like to perform e.g. simple connectivity testing, checking a specific feature or running an end-to-end test alongside different Member States. By doing it collectively and onsite, this event will contribute to a successful and confident launch.

These checks will help Member States to mitigate risks, identify potential issues, and ensure a smoother transition to the live environment. By doing it collectively, this event will contribute to a successful and confident launch.
Seats are limited, registrations close on Friday, 17 November.

See event

12 December

Go-live milestone - Celebration drink served at the Accelerator event

Onsite 12 December

Celebration drink and walking dinner served at the accelerator event to mark the occasion. This drink aims at adding a unique touch to the event, create a memorable experience and be the launchpad for the go-live:

  • promotion video (which will then be published online)
  • social-media campaign (a package that Member States can use will be made available: visuals, X-Posts, etc.)
  • Commission Press-Release (to be confirmed, also to be published online)

13 & 14 December

Single Digital Gateway Coordination Group

Hybrid Closed event 13 & 14 December

National Coordinators will receive detailed information about both days via the usual channels.