European Commission ebsi European Blockchain

Supporting EU interests in Distributed Ledger Technology standardisation

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Seedblocks and Blockstand, two projects granted by the European Commission's call for Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) standardisation, held a webinar recently to launch their activities. These initiatives were selected to support blockchain standardisation in line with the European Commission's rolling plan for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) standardisation, as part of the Digital European Programme (DEP). Their goal is to reinforce the presence of European players and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) in standardisation activities undertaken by both International and European standardisation bodies.

Seedblocks and Blockstand, two projects granted by the European Commission's call for Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) standardisation, held a webinar recently to launch their activities. These initiatives were selected to support blockchain standardisation in line with the European Commission's rolling plan for Information and Communications Technology (ICT) standardisation, as part of the Digital European Programme (DEP). Their goal is to reinforce the presence of European players and the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) in standardisation activities undertaken by both International and European standardisation bodies.

During the webinar, Jose Manuel Panizo Plaza, EBSI Chief Technology Officer, highlighted the key points these projects should cover from the EBSI perspective, based on the policy objectives of the rolling plan for ICT standardisation.

The first main track presented by Jose Manuel focused on the role of a DLT as EBSI, serving as a trust anchor management infrastructure to support various electronic proofs, including those in the European Digital Identity (EUDI) wallet reference architecture.

The second work line focused on the standardisation of the EBSI profile, incorporating Verifiable Credentials, decentralised identifiers, and proofs supported by a DLT.

Lastly, Jose Manuel emphasised a third opportunity, focusing on defining a common framework and cybersecurity standards to support the standardisation of ledgers as trust services.

Explore the future of blockchain standardisation and the exciting prospects that await in the ever-evolving landscape of digital ledger technology by viewing the full webinar recording here .

If you missed the presentation, you can download it here

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