European Commission ebsi European Blockchain

EBSI will evolve with EUROPEUM; an EDIC under the control of member states

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The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) will move to EUROPEUM, a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) under the control of member states. It will enable the EBSI network to enter into full production, with EBSI’s vibrant ecosystem more than ready for the shift.

The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) will move from the European Commission to EUROPEUM, a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC) under the control of member states. Afterwards, the EBSI network will enter into full production, with EBSI’s vibrant ecosystem more than ready for the shift.

EBSI is evolving. On 21 May 2024 the European Commission adopted the decision to create the Europeum EDIC — a new legal entity supported by an initial group of 10 Member States. They aim to deepen collaboration on blockchain and Web3 technologies and will deploy and expand the use of the EBSI network, to deliver EU-wide cross-border services with a focus on public services.

Europeum will support cross-border cooperation between public authorities on Web3 and decentralised technologies while promoting interoperability. The EDIC will seek to strengthen trust and cyber resilience in compliance with EU regulation — including the newly adopted Digital Identity Regulation.

An initial group of member states with more to join.

EDICS are a new mechanism for multi-country projects created as part of the Digital Decade Policy Programme 2030. They enable Member States to flexibly pool funding and resources, to better invest in transformative digital projects while ensuring common standards and interoperability.

Belgium is the hosting country of Europeum, with Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia also involved. Poland has officially asked to join, and other Member States are expected to follow. They can join as members or observers, as can countries in the European Economic Area (EEA). Information on membership will stay updated.

The vibrant EBSI Early Adopter ecosystem is ready to enter into production.

With more ways to create forgery than ever before thanks to new technologies (including generative AI) new ways to establish trust are needed. EBSI has sought to find the solution.

The EBSI network is currently in a pilot stage, with more than 40 network nodes spread across Europe. The Digital Europe Programme and the EBSI Early Adopters Programme have allowed a wide range of Public and Private organisations to develop their own EBSI projects.

Europeum will build on the existing EBSI ecosystem that has made innovative use of Blockchain together with Verifiable Credentials — a new EBSI developed Web3 technology that enables the secure sharing and verification of credentials — and wallets, to make information easy to verify and almost impossible to fake.

Our recent event 'W3BSI, Trust Reimagined', held in Brussels was a powerful showcase of the strength of the EBSI ecosystem, with over 350 organisations piloting Verifiable Credentials. A selection came to the event to demo their projects and connect with fellow enthusiasts; proving the energy and viability behind the EBSI ecosystem. A full recap of the event will be published soon.

It is clear that the EBSI ecosystem is more than ready for the shift to Europeum and for the network to enter into full production. Web3 technology will continue to play an important role in verifying information and establishing trust in an ever more complex digital world.

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