European Commission ebsi European Blockchain


Trust reimagined

Thank you for joining us, the event was a great success and the EBSI rocket has landed safely!

7th May 2024

Rue Ravenstein 60, 1000 Bruxelles

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Explore the Gallery

7th May 2024
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Rue Ravenstein 60, 1000 Bruxelles

Let’s celebrate the EBSI ecosystem together.

​​​EBSI has become a growing ecosystem of over 25 groundbreaking projects spanning 10+ diverse sectors and domains. It brings together more than 350 organisations from over 30 countries, all pioneering the use of EBSI. Their shared vision? To transform the way we verify information, making it easy to verify and almost impossible to fake. As we get ready for EBSI's transition to Europeum, let's look back at their achievements.

Ready to be a part of the future of verification?​

The event is over and it was a great success! If you missed it you can have a taste by looking at the pictures.






key themes


shared vision

Get inspired by our speakers and panelists.​

image of mathieu michel

Mathieu Michel

Secretary of State for Digitalisation, Administrative Simplification, Privacy Protection and the Buildings Agency, Belgium.

image of Roberto Viola

Roberto Viola

Director-General for Communication, Networks, Content and Technology (DG CNECT)

image of mathieu michel

Veronica Gaffey

Director-General for Digital Services (DIGIT)

image of mathieu michel

Alberto Lopez

Deputy Director of the Innovation Lab at the INCM

And many more...


Looking back at EBSI's achievements

A plenary session in the theatre to celebrate the achievements of EBSI and its ecosystem.


EBSI Ecosystem showcases

10 breakout rooms hosting a variety of workshops, pitches, demos, and panels, organized around 5 themes.


Looking ahead to the future of EBSI

What does the future hold for EBSI? We'll discuss EBSI's transition to Europeum.

Get inspired by our tailor-made agenda​

After introducing the event and looking back at the achievements of EBSI, you will have the opportunity to tailor your afternoon with your prefered inspiring presentations or interactive workshops.​

We have compiled a series of workshops, pitches, demos, and panels divided into 10 breakout rooms. Sessions will last between 15 and 45 minutes and you will have the possibility to choose how you experience those.​

Discover the agenda

Join us at Sparks.

A space fostering innovation and interactions

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Practical information​


7 May, 2024

Starting at 12:00 until 19:00



Rue Ravenstein 60, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

For who?

Chief Information Officers (CIOs) of European Member States, Policy makers, Experts and Web3 aficionados, EBSI project pilots

How much?

No fees are charged to participate in this event.